- 1). Make a mark along the left and right edges of a 10-inch tall, 6-inch wide piece of wood with a pencil. The marks should both be made 3 inches below the top edge of the wood.
- 2). Draw two marks along the top edge of the wood so that they are 2 inches are apart. Each mark should be 2 inches in from the side of the wood.
- 3). Connect the mark on the left side of the wood with the left mark on the top edge by drawing a line between them. Do the same for the right-side marks.
- 4). Cut off the top corners of the wood along the lines you drew between the marks. Use a table saw to make these cuts.
- 5). Sand down all of the pointed corners of the wood with sandpaper to round them off. You want the corners to be smooth and round.
- 6). Make a centered cut in one end of the wooden rod. The cut should be ½ inch wide and 3 inches deep.
- 7). Cover the narrow end of the wooden piece with wood glue and insert the end into the cut in the end of the rod. Push the wood firmly into the rood until it won't go any further.
- 8). Wrap fin ropes around the join section of the paddle and the rod to give more strength to the join.
- 9). Lay newspaper on the floor and apply an epoxy resin all over the paddle and handle. Allow the newspaper to catch any drips, and let the paddle dry on it.
- 10
Sand the paddle using increasingly finer grit sandpaper until the paddle is smooth and soft. Start with rough paper, and work your way to finer grains.