Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Motorcyclists - Be Aware!

It is very visible on the busy roads of California that motorcycles share only a small fraction of the total number of vehicles.
But, how come that the studies showed that motorcycle accidents were attributed for the ten percent of all the casualties which resulted from a variety of vehicle tragedies? What are the reasons why riding these bikes is presumed risky? How, then, may the riders prevent themselves from being involved in a catastrophic motorcycle accident? Whether you are a motorcycle enthusiast or not, knowing the answers to these questions should matter to you before you see yourself a victim of these "killer-two-wheelers.
" Motorcycle riding is quite risky for an individual.
Just imagine yourself on a bike and between those speeding cars, trucks and buses.
Would you be at ease or comfortable knowing that you are in the middle of life and death situation? Even for a fact that most of the motorcycle-automobile collisions are due to the motorcycle drivers' fault, still, they have the stronger tendency to be thrown away and suffer severe injuries or even die.
This is very much true because of these bikes structural design wherein it has neither a metal cage nor a seatbelt to protect the riders in case of accidents.
Riding these motorcycles is indeed comparable to making your own coffin.
More so, the sizes of these bikes may contribute to the dangers which come along in riding it, especially in night travel wherein most drivers of larger vehicles unnoticeably run over or block these two-wheeler's path causing it to slide and collide to any other object along the area of the accident.
Another reason is when the undisciplined motorcycle riders disregard the traffic controls and warnings.
The most common of these scenarios happen in road intersections, wherein some unruly bikers attempt to beat the red light which result traffic disasters.
Having a shot in passing another vehicle on an inappropriate part of the road or on a curved area may also be a root of an accident.
Doing this is undeniably dangerous because the driver of the approaching vehicle on the other side may not have a clear view of you and it may become too late before he notice you and step on his break.
Majority of these reasons are beyond the control of the motorcycle drivers.
However, it is still possible to at least minimize the risk of being involved in these road misfortunes by abiding the traffic rules, having a watchful eye and doing a regular check on your bikes.
Also wearing safety gears may help in reducing the possibility of fatal injuries.
On the other side of this matter, the victims of these terrible incidents may result in filing their cases in order to uphold their rights and obtain whatever amount of damages as prescribed by the law.
And in pursuing a claim case, it is very much advisable to seek the assistance of a credible motorcycle accident lawyer who has the expertise in handling these certain cases.
A worthy legal counsel to guide and defend these victims will ensure them of acquiring justice.
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