Health & Medical Healthy Living

OSHA Trip Hazards

    Unleveled Surfaces

    • Walking and working surfaces that are unleveled, not properly paved or contain holes are trip hazards. OSHA requires employers to address unleveled surface hazards immediately to avoid trip-and-fall accidents. Fixing loose boards in the floors, replacing buckled tiles and repairing holes in walking surfaces are good ways to keep employees safe and accident-free.


    • Objects lying on walking and working surfaces can be tripped over. OSHA mandates employers to make sure walk areas are cleared, clean and tidy. Boxes should always be put in appropriate storage closets, rather than being left in hallways or aisles where employees could trip over them. Electrical cords and wires on the ground also cause trip hazards, because employees don’t always see that they are there when walking. For office environments, rugs or ornamental floor décor may pose trip hazards for employees.

      Some objects may not be able to be cleaned up or completely avoided. In construction areas, pebbles, rocks or tree bark might permeate the walking and working surfaces. It’s important for the site supervisor, or project manager, to put caution signs around hazardous areas so that employees know they are approaching a trip hazard and can be extra mindful of where they step.

    Steps and Stairs

    • Unfortunately, it’s not hard to trip up, or down, on the steps of a staircase. Tripping hazards can be eliminated by installing handrails for employees to use as they go up, or down, the stairway. Tripping hazards can also be avoided by lining the steps with special grip material that allow employees to safely grasp the steps with their shoes, and prevents any slipping.


    • When employees wrestle in the workplace, their horseplay poses a trip hazard. Running up and down walking and working surfaces can cause employees to trip over their own feet, and fall. Create a “No Horseplay” safety policy to prevent these types of accidents.

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