Family & Relationships Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender

Is It True That People Are Born Gay Or Is That a Myth - Let"s Talk

Many in the GLBT Community have asserted that people are "born gay" and while it may be true in rare cases, less than 1%, it certainly isn't for all who've chosen that lifestyle.
Not long ago, I had an interesting chat with a gentleman who asserts the very opposite in that he states; "no one is born gay" and so, who is right, and who is wrong on this debate, or does it really even matter? That is to say should we completely dismiss this topic as "not politically correct to talk about" and sweep the issue under the carpet - pretend it simply doesn't exist.
Some in the religious arena of thought believe that they "must stop" the gay agenda, whatever that might be.
Of course, there are folks who are very adamant in the GLBT community about certain issues such as gay marriage and they demand to be heard and are vocal on the political stage over this debate.
When I read the gentleman's essay arguing that no one is born gay, I certainly understood where he was coming from, as he felt as if the "gay agenda" had come too far, and so, he is just as adamant about pushing back now.
Interestingly enough, he did quite well with his arguments, all valid with the exceptions of folks born with serious hormonal imbalances which do not readjust after birth, and the biological issues concerning hermaphrodites.
Those are real biological issues and they have science to back them up.
But it is probably less than 1% of our population and not more than 1.
5% and in some areas with chemical environmental issues causing reproductive problems perhaps more, still not more than 2% even in the worst case scenario cluster.
There also can be a genetic component which we've also come to understand.
What does all this mean? It means that some people really are born with a predisposition for being gay, that doesn't mean they will chose that lifestyle, they may very well not.
If not, they may or may not be happy with that choice either.
In many regards a good many of those however who live a gay lifestyle and claim they were born that way simply isn't so, but since there are those who really do have such disposition, no one can say that doesn't occur either in nature? Thus, while the gentleman who debates against the "born that way" argument is correct as most of the time that is a bogus notion - sometimes it is the reality, and thus, can scientifically prove that.
Indeed, I suspect in 99.
5% of the cases, those who identify as homosexuals or a member of the GLBT community were not born that way.
Please consider all this and think on it.
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