- 1). Download the content you want to use from Daz 3D. Click on the install file to start the installer. In the dialog that pops up, select "Poser" as the application you want to install to.
- 2). Open Poser. Delete the default figure that is loaded in the scene.
- 3). Click on the "Library" tab on the right to access the various categories. Select the "Figures" library and double-click on the Daz 3D figure that you loaded to bring it into the scene.
- 4). Click on the "Materials" tab at the top to open the "Materials Room." If the "Advanced" tab is open, click on the "Simple" tab. This will show a number of panels related to different aspects of the textures, such as "Defuse Color" and "Bump."
- 5). In the "Bump" panel, adjust the "Strength" and "Amount" dials to alter the effect that the bump map has on the model. To check the effect your adjustments are having, click on "Render" to see a preview. When you are done, click on the "Pose Room" tab.
- 6). Select "File" and save the altered model as a Poser file. This will let you open this altered version of the model for later use, while preserving the original in the library.