Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Selection And Installation Of A Ceiling Medallion

Many people search for a way to make a difference in the look of a room, and ceiling medallions are a great way to transform a room. A ceiling medallion is an ornamental round ceiling accent that is made from a plaster-like material. This type of decoration is sometimes used as a type of trim collar for fixtures such as ceiling fans, or hanging lights that need that something extra. Many times, decorative ceiling medallions can make even the most boring ceiling look stylish. Another reason to install this type of decorative piece is that, besides making a ceiling look great, they can help to hide imperfections in the ceiling that otherwise would be very visible. Worried about cost? Dont be. Ceiling medallions are quite affordable. They are also one of the easiest do-it-yourself projects you can tackle to make quite a dramatic change in your room.

The first thing you must do is to choose they type of ceiling medallion you will install. Look at your ceiling and decide what will look best with your ceiling type. Consider the texture of your ceiling, style of your ceiling and height of your ceiling. You will also need to take into account color of your ceiling and the medallion. You must also decide, if you are going to trim a fixture, whether you can remove that fixture yourself. If you are comfortable in your knowledge to remover your fixture, you can use a one-piece ceiling medallion. If your level of comfort with removing electrical fixtures is not at the level it should be, you may choose to simply install a two-piece ceiling medallion, to ease the installation.

Another step to take care of before the installation of a ceiling medallion is to plan your installation in detail from beginning to end. If you begin a project without getting the tools as well as the materials needed, you may be forced to stop the project in the middle and locate or purchase the tool or material needed. This is very frustrating and can make the entire project drag on unnecessarily.

After planning your installation, order the materials needed for the installation. When you order a ceiling medallion, dont forget to order the medallion center, if using one. You will also need construction adhesive, caulk, and fasteners. Ordering hardware to be delivered can save you numerous trips to the hardware store. This can help eliminate frustration. According to the specific ceiling medallion you have chosen, tools and supplies may vary.

Once you receive your supplies and have purchased or assembled your tools, place them in the area you will be working in. This will help to cut down on the back and forth distance to the toolbox and they will be less frequent. Double check your equipment before you start to make sure you arent missing anything.

Once you have successfully gone through the steps of installing your ceiling medallion, clean up is a very important step. Cleaning up not only restores the room to its previous state allowing your hard work to show, it is also paramount to a safe environment. Decorative ceiling medallions are a great way to spruce up a drab ceiling or hide imperfections, and can add that special something to a room that will make it look great.
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