- Boil a large pot of water on the stove and breathe the steam deeply.
- Drink elderberry tea with a spoon full of honey. Elderberry helps to improve lung function and can break up congestion.
- Cayenne is an expectorant and can help to relieve congestion. Drink a cup of hot water with 1/8 teaspoon of ground cayenne pepper two or three times daily.
- Olive Oil Leaf extract is a natural antibiotic. Take 1 to 2 capsules up to three times daily, or as directed on the package.
- Take a golden seal supplement as directed on the package or soak a cloth in golden seal tea and hold onto the chest to help break up congestion. Golden seal is not recommended for children under age 12.
- Thyme helps to strengthen the lungs. Thyme tea can be purchased at your local health food store. Use as directed on the packaging.
- Eat a large amount of garlic and onions when you have a chest cold. Both contain quercetin and mustard oils, which help fight inflammation in the body.
Olive Oil Leaf Extract
Golden Seal
Garlic & Onions