Wish you had a combination mp3 player, cell phone, digital camera without having to pay several hundred dollars for an iPhone?Yeah, so don't a lot of people.
This Samsung review of the x830 cell phone is going to be music to your ears...
pun intended.
Customers reviews are streaming in from around the globe praising this phone.
The top 3 reasons to get one are: 1.
) It's Music On-The-Go The Samsung x830 is a full-featured jukebox in the palm of your hand that plays multiple audio formats including MP3 and WMA.
You can choose to listen to your music through the built in speaker or via a Bluetooth headset.
"It's just like being at the concert.
" 2.
) It's A Digital Camera The built-in 1.
3 Megapixel digital camera let's you snap high quality images and share them with others.
1GB of memory allows you to keep all your images right on your phone for viewing.
"I've captured moments I would have missed without this phone.
" 3.
) It's A Phone Samsung's x830 offers easy navigation via touch-sensitive wheel or key pad.
This smart phone conveniently switches back and forth between the interfaces depending on whether you have the phone open or closed.
"Having the flip design allows for a lot of functionality in a small space.
" The only negative encountered is that the slim lightweight design and the flip open/close action may not make it the most durable phone for a child.
If you're considering a phone for your pre-teen then you may want to try a different model.
This Samsung review of the x830 cell phone is going to be music to your ears...
pun intended.
Customers reviews are streaming in from around the globe praising this phone.
The top 3 reasons to get one are: 1.
) It's Music On-The-Go The Samsung x830 is a full-featured jukebox in the palm of your hand that plays multiple audio formats including MP3 and WMA.
You can choose to listen to your music through the built in speaker or via a Bluetooth headset.
"It's just like being at the concert.
" 2.
) It's A Digital Camera The built-in 1.
3 Megapixel digital camera let's you snap high quality images and share them with others.
1GB of memory allows you to keep all your images right on your phone for viewing.
"I've captured moments I would have missed without this phone.
" 3.
) It's A Phone Samsung's x830 offers easy navigation via touch-sensitive wheel or key pad.
This smart phone conveniently switches back and forth between the interfaces depending on whether you have the phone open or closed.
"Having the flip design allows for a lot of functionality in a small space.
" The only negative encountered is that the slim lightweight design and the flip open/close action may not make it the most durable phone for a child.
If you're considering a phone for your pre-teen then you may want to try a different model.