Are you a skater and love to ride around on your board all day and do nice tricks, or maybe you just do it for fun sometimes. Either way, a prerequisite is to have a good board, and nice shoes to go along with it. If you don't have good shoes, it's increasingly more difficult to perform tricks, and without a good board you won't get that speed or flex you need to perform tricks right. When you are skating you should know that being covered on the foot is important, as it's easy to sprain an ankle or hurt your feet.
Therefore it's nice to get some solid, hard shoes, that work to protect you, before going for the best looking, low-quality shoe, although the higher priced shoes usually come with both style and functionality. You don't want to ride around in a pair of beat down sneakers. It would be very easy to sprain and hurt yourself. On the other hand, it's is quite a good idea to wear a real pair of $50+ skate shoes at bare minimum to be sure your feet are well protected as well as look cool.
There are many types of skate shoes that fit differently. Some are made a little bit higher and other's are lower. You need to go to skate shops and figure out what kind of shoes are best for you. Usually the thick soles will be best for long-term use. If you have a little more money you can focus on buying multiple pairs for different kinds of skating, making it easier to simply go by looks. If you are just starting out, go with a mid-priced, kind of nice pair before a low-priced "ok" pair of shoes as you'll notice a BIG difference in your performance.
I would also go for the best shoes if possible, as your shoes DO play a large role in how well you skate, along with hard work, sweat, determination and many hours of practicing, skating and watching videos of professionals online or on DVD's. Getting your gear right is essential to keep safe, so also expand your arsenal beyond shoes and board. Get some knee pads and elbow pads as well as a nice protective helmet for safe measure. You don't want to injure yourself if you can prevent it. I know it can cost, but it's well worth saving a visit to the hospital. Good luck and have fun! Skate or die.
Therefore it's nice to get some solid, hard shoes, that work to protect you, before going for the best looking, low-quality shoe, although the higher priced shoes usually come with both style and functionality. You don't want to ride around in a pair of beat down sneakers. It would be very easy to sprain and hurt yourself. On the other hand, it's is quite a good idea to wear a real pair of $50+ skate shoes at bare minimum to be sure your feet are well protected as well as look cool.
There are many types of skate shoes that fit differently. Some are made a little bit higher and other's are lower. You need to go to skate shops and figure out what kind of shoes are best for you. Usually the thick soles will be best for long-term use. If you have a little more money you can focus on buying multiple pairs for different kinds of skating, making it easier to simply go by looks. If you are just starting out, go with a mid-priced, kind of nice pair before a low-priced "ok" pair of shoes as you'll notice a BIG difference in your performance.
I would also go for the best shoes if possible, as your shoes DO play a large role in how well you skate, along with hard work, sweat, determination and many hours of practicing, skating and watching videos of professionals online or on DVD's. Getting your gear right is essential to keep safe, so also expand your arsenal beyond shoes and board. Get some knee pads and elbow pads as well as a nice protective helmet for safe measure. You don't want to injure yourself if you can prevent it. I know it can cost, but it's well worth saving a visit to the hospital. Good luck and have fun! Skate or die.