Health & Medical Anti Aging

Sarcopenia - Taming Old Age With Exercises and Nutrition - 3 Things to Do to Combat Sarcopenia

Do not let them fool you, sarcopenia has nothing to do with getting older but with the fact that when we get old we keep eating the same food we used to all our lives and we do not exercise.
I will explain this to you in simple words: When you grow old, your body starts to get saggy, you lose muscle mass, you start wrinkle and you look old.
Muscles need a lot of protein to keep well and alive, otherwise they sag away.
Protein comes from the food we eat, (mainly meat) but is also being produced by 3 hormones that we have in our body:
  • Insulin-like growth hormone (IGF-1)
  • Testosterone
  • Growth hormone
When we are young we have lots of these hormones in our bodies and they not only produce protein but many other things that keep us healthy.
That is why a young fellow will recover quicker from an injury or a disease than an older fellow.
As we grow old, the concentration of these hormones are being diluted and we lack them more and more, that is why we look old, saggy, full of wrinkles and tired.
Not All Lost - You Can Still Help Your Body Produce These Hormones and Remain Young OK, I hear you saying what a whole lot of nonsense, staying young, there is no such thing.
You are right, you cannot remain young forever, but there are many thing you can do to slow down your aging to a snail's pace.
Here are 3 things to do to maintain a healthy young looking you for many years.
  1. Exercise.
    And base your exercises on burst of exertion followed by a recovery period.
    If you follow my articles you know that I always talk here about these types of exercises.
    It is all about that recovery period, the time after your sprint or series of push-ups or squats you do so fast where you have to stop and catch your breath that initiates those hormones in your body.
    So as you grow old you lack these hormones, but if you keep exercising like I explain here, (based on a burst of exertion) your body will produce these hormones which in turn will initiate protein and other activities that will help keep you young.
  2. Eat Organic.
    So if you follow me here and read my articles you know I am all about nutrition too.
    There is a meal you have to have straight after a workout, there is a meal you have to have every 2-3 waking hours, and the food you eat should be organic.
    There is no point going to the store and buying nutrition depleted food and call it food.
    You may as well eat rubbish.
    Organic food will provide your body with exactly what it needs in terms of inner organ health.
    Keeping a healthy body is a great long term investment.
    If I would not look after my health and watch what I eat so much my Crohn's disease would have been inflamed and I would have been a very sick person.
  3. Combine the two above.
    If you just exercise or just eat right you are doing OK but do not have the full benefit of this plan.
    Combining exercises based on burst of exertion with good nutrition is the key to a good healthy life.
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