When you are at a car show you will see many cars around you. You will also hear the sound of many cars as they race around or people hear the engines roar even as they are standing still. And even with your eyes closed you will be able to spot cars that have a high performance engine. In general you will find that if a car is highly refined its sound is refined as well. In fact just as the body of a car is styled to reinforce its image, the sound of the car is styled as well.
And just as you can alter the visible style of your car with the help of body kits and other similar products so also you can style the sound of your car. And while doing that you can improve its performance as well. And the product that will do that for you is a cat back exhaust. So how does a cat back exhaust modify the sound of your car?
Well sound that we encounter in our every day lives often comes from a sudden expansion of air or gas. For example when we clap our hand the air that gets caught between them escapes with a quick movement causing the noise. The loudest sound that the car makes is because of the sudden expansion of the exhaust. To modify the quality of the sound this expansion of the exhaust gases has to be controlled. And as part of its job of better managing the flow of the exhaust gases a good cat back exhaust controls the expansion of the exhaust gases as well giving the car an upmarket sound.
Since the flow is managed better, there is less back pressure on the engine and there is less engine power wasted in overcoming back pressure. You can reduce this back pressure further by opting for an exhaust header which manages the flow of exhaust gases better when they leave the several engine cylinders. You can check out these products online. You can see the latest car aftermarket products at www.ilovebodykits.com.
And just as you can alter the visible style of your car with the help of body kits and other similar products so also you can style the sound of your car. And while doing that you can improve its performance as well. And the product that will do that for you is a cat back exhaust. So how does a cat back exhaust modify the sound of your car?
Well sound that we encounter in our every day lives often comes from a sudden expansion of air or gas. For example when we clap our hand the air that gets caught between them escapes with a quick movement causing the noise. The loudest sound that the car makes is because of the sudden expansion of the exhaust. To modify the quality of the sound this expansion of the exhaust gases has to be controlled. And as part of its job of better managing the flow of the exhaust gases a good cat back exhaust controls the expansion of the exhaust gases as well giving the car an upmarket sound.
Since the flow is managed better, there is less back pressure on the engine and there is less engine power wasted in overcoming back pressure. You can reduce this back pressure further by opting for an exhaust header which manages the flow of exhaust gases better when they leave the several engine cylinders. You can check out these products online. You can see the latest car aftermarket products at www.ilovebodykits.com.