If you have the virus called Recycler.
exe on your computer, you're going to want to read this article.
The Recycler Trojan targets removable drives and it's really hard to get rid of.
A lot of the usual anti-virus software won't detect it or won't fix the problem if they do detect Recycler.
The virus is also known as SHUCKBOT-A and it is a Trojan.
You can also find it in your processes list named either recycler.
exe or SHUCKBOT-A.
You bring up the processes list in Windows by pressing the Ctrl-Alt-Del keys together and then selecting the processes tab at the top of the screen.
Click on Image Name at the top left and that will alphabetically sort the processes so you can more easily determine if you have this Trojan on your computer.
It can also be called recycler worm.
And it only infects Windows machines, exploiting their vulnerabilities - no impact on Linux or Mac machines.
Now for two solutions to this problem.
Look for and delete three files in root-Documents and Settings-All Users-Application Data.
These files are: driver.
exe, waults.
exe and a text file hpzinfo.
You might find that waults.
exe is running in which case you need to terminate the process before you can delete it.
Also delete the Recycler folder from the root drive by using a DOS command prompt.
Go to your root ( c:/> ) by typing ( cd ..
) till you get to the root directory ( c:/> ) then enter the following: dir /a /p you might want to look for these: RSH recycler xx Kb RSH autorun.
inf You need to get rid of the RSH flags which mean: R -read only S -system H -hidden You do this by entering: attrib autorun.
inf -r -s -h Next you type: del autorun.
inf (enter) and say "yes" when asked are you sure (Sidenote: when I was learning to use a computer 20 years ago some of the early instructions I followed forgot to mention I had to hit the "enter" key to finish the command.
Now I put that bit in so no-one else falls for that mistake of not hitting the enter key and wondering why nothing is happening!) Then do the same thing for the the recycler folder and then your flash drive by going to it's root dir.
So,if it's drive is e:/, then type in cmd>> e: and do above again.
Finally you format the usb stick and you've shown Recycler.
exe how to get on its bike and leave you alone.
The alternative solution is to use a piece of software called flash disinfector.
This comes from a firm called Bleeping Computer (you can find them with a Google search) and it will get rid of a lot more viruses than just Recycler.
It's also small in size so it won't take too long to download.
Good luck!
exe on your computer, you're going to want to read this article.
The Recycler Trojan targets removable drives and it's really hard to get rid of.
A lot of the usual anti-virus software won't detect it or won't fix the problem if they do detect Recycler.
The virus is also known as SHUCKBOT-A and it is a Trojan.
You can also find it in your processes list named either recycler.
exe or SHUCKBOT-A.
You bring up the processes list in Windows by pressing the Ctrl-Alt-Del keys together and then selecting the processes tab at the top of the screen.
Click on Image Name at the top left and that will alphabetically sort the processes so you can more easily determine if you have this Trojan on your computer.
It can also be called recycler worm.
And it only infects Windows machines, exploiting their vulnerabilities - no impact on Linux or Mac machines.
Now for two solutions to this problem.
Look for and delete three files in root-Documents and Settings-All Users-Application Data.
These files are: driver.
exe, waults.
exe and a text file hpzinfo.
You might find that waults.
exe is running in which case you need to terminate the process before you can delete it.
Also delete the Recycler folder from the root drive by using a DOS command prompt.
Go to your root ( c:/> ) by typing ( cd ..
) till you get to the root directory ( c:/> ) then enter the following: dir /a /p you might want to look for these:
inf You need to get rid of the RSH flags which mean: R -read only S -system H -hidden You do this by entering: attrib autorun.
inf -r -s -h Next you type: del autorun.
inf (enter) and say "yes" when asked are you sure (Sidenote: when I was learning to use a computer 20 years ago some of the early instructions I followed forgot to mention I had to hit the "enter" key to finish the command.
Now I put that bit in so no-one else falls for that mistake of not hitting the enter key and wondering why nothing is happening!) Then do the same thing for the the recycler folder and then your flash drive by going to it's root dir.
So,if it's drive is e:/, then type in cmd>> e: and do above again.
Finally you format the usb stick and you've shown Recycler.
exe how to get on its bike and leave you alone.
The alternative solution is to use a piece of software called flash disinfector.
This comes from a firm called Bleeping Computer (you can find them with a Google search) and it will get rid of a lot more viruses than just Recycler.
It's also small in size so it won't take too long to download.
Good luck!