Have you ever wondered why your computer doesn't seem to run half as well now as it did when you first got it? Random crashing.
Blue screens of death.
Program windows freezing and unresponsive.
Slow loading times.
I am sure these have all seemed depressingly familiar to you at one point or another during your computer's lifetime.
I'm sure you feel you've kept good care of your computer so it can feel very annoying and frustrating that these things keep happening.
So, why do they happen and what can be done about it? The main reason for these annoying occurrences lies with something known as the Windows Registry.
The registry is a large and complex database that stores the options and settings in modern Windows operating systems such as XP and Vista.
Whenever you do common things such as change preferences and settings, system policies and install and uninstall programs the registry is updated.
Now, over time the registry can become corrupted due to missing entries, overlapping entries and incorrect references.
This is inevitable due to the complexity of the registry and the volume of activity it has to handle.
Unfortunately, these irregularities will not just work themselves out and disappear by themselves, and so the registry will only continue to get more and more tangled and clogged up unless something is done.
What are the options then to fix the registry and have your computer running like new again? An extreme measure is just to re-install your Windows operating system.
This will ensure your system runs like new again but can take several hours just to get the operating system going never mind time require to re-install all your favourite programs.
Another alternative is to manually clean up the registry.
This may be an option for keen system administrators but would be severely out of the reach for the average computer user.
The best option, then, is to clean your registry with a registry cleaning program.
These programs will first scan your registry, giving you a breakdown of any known issues and will then go to work resolving these.
There are many different registry cleaners on the market ranging from excellent to completely useless so you should choose with care.
Blue screens of death.
Program windows freezing and unresponsive.
Slow loading times.
I am sure these have all seemed depressingly familiar to you at one point or another during your computer's lifetime.
I'm sure you feel you've kept good care of your computer so it can feel very annoying and frustrating that these things keep happening.
So, why do they happen and what can be done about it? The main reason for these annoying occurrences lies with something known as the Windows Registry.
The registry is a large and complex database that stores the options and settings in modern Windows operating systems such as XP and Vista.
Whenever you do common things such as change preferences and settings, system policies and install and uninstall programs the registry is updated.
Now, over time the registry can become corrupted due to missing entries, overlapping entries and incorrect references.
This is inevitable due to the complexity of the registry and the volume of activity it has to handle.
Unfortunately, these irregularities will not just work themselves out and disappear by themselves, and so the registry will only continue to get more and more tangled and clogged up unless something is done.
What are the options then to fix the registry and have your computer running like new again? An extreme measure is just to re-install your Windows operating system.
This will ensure your system runs like new again but can take several hours just to get the operating system going never mind time require to re-install all your favourite programs.
Another alternative is to manually clean up the registry.
This may be an option for keen system administrators but would be severely out of the reach for the average computer user.
The best option, then, is to clean your registry with a registry cleaning program.
These programs will first scan your registry, giving you a breakdown of any known issues and will then go to work resolving these.
There are many different registry cleaners on the market ranging from excellent to completely useless so you should choose with care.