Health & Medical Nutrition

Is Your Immune System Strong or Weak?

This is when your immunity can be weakened because of the many lifestyle issues taking place during this time period.
If you head into December with an immune system that is already impaired, you may exit the month with one that is dysfunctional.
Why does this happen? Before the Christmas season even begins, impaired immunity can stem from a variety of nutritional, lifestyle, and pathogenic factors.
Toxins from food additives and indoor air, as well as an over-reliance upon antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs all contribute to an imbalance in immune function.
During December, if you add:
  • a lot of sugar,
  • an excess amount of alcohol,
  • prolonged stress,
  • inadequate sleep, and/or
  • too much aspirin or acetaminophen to the mix,
you may cross a threshold whereby the immune system becomes dysfunctional.
Catch anything and a full-blown cold or flu is the result.
Therefore, it is best to follow a preventative, proactive approach throughout the year to keep your immune system firing on all cylinders.
It is not enough to just boost your immunity for awhile and focus on the bugs after they have taken hold.
This is only patchwork.
You need to get to the root causes to keep the infectious agents at bay permanently.
The key is to enhance your immunity so it can effectively snuff out the microbes before they grab a foothold and spread out of control.
How do you do this? First, you need an assessment to find out the underlying causes of your weak immunity.
This involves identifying the culprits and learning how to eliminate and keep them out of the body in the future.
The Preventative Health Centre has developed an immune grader that does just that.
The grader is a questionnaire that lists 45 known factors that can adversely affect your immunity.
The total of all the yes responses on the form determines whether or not your immune system is:
  • strong,
  • good,
  • weak,
  • impaired, or
  • dysfunctional.
Next, armed with this information, a program can be designed and developed to build and fortify your immune system.
The natural, whole foods and fluids way is at the heart of the program.
A healthy, human body is a balanced system that is auto-regulating, self-healing, and able to adapt.
However, when the immune system is too weak to protect us, we are no longer in balance.
You need to improve your internal environment to build strong immunity.
And, as a spinoff benefit, you get to regain and maintain superior health.
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