- A fig tree usually grows between 3 and 4 feet, but rarely grows to 6 feet tall. Its foliage is a smoky gray-green color. The fig fruits start out dark green in color, but ripen to a honey tone with amber-colored flesh.
- Buy a starter dwarf fig tree. Choose a spot in the yard that gets full sun, and dig a hole that is wider and deeper than the root system of the starter by at least 2 to 4 inches. Place the tree upright in the hole and crumble the soil back around the roots. Pack the soil down several times to get rid of air pockets.
- Check the soil for moisture often, especially during hot and dry months. Stick your fingers into the soil. If the soil feels dry, water the plant; if the soil is moist, leave the plant alone. Do not prune new figs, but regularly prune after they turn three years old. Remove dead and dying branches from the fig to ensure optimal growth for new foliage and fruit. Prune after harvesting the fruit each year. Dwarf figs need ample cold weather protection. Reduce watering in the fall to induce the tree's dormant winter state. Place mulch over the base of the try to keep the soil warm during the cold temperatures.
- Figs can produce a crop twice a year. The first crop is ready for harvest in the spring while the second is ready in fall. Let the figs ripen on the tree and pick them as they ripen to a honey-yellow color.
What Does a Dwarf Fig Tree Look Like?
How Do I Plant a Dwarf Fig Tree?
How Should I Care for a Dwarf Fig Tree?
When Should I Harvest My Figs?