Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Mobile Phone Guidelines For Common Courtesy

Etiquette is a guideline to be followed to avoid annoyance at one point.
It will serve as a guide for everyday dealings.
Some of the etiquettes are: otable etiquette oroad etiquette ochurch etiquette ooffice etiquette otelephone or mobile phone etiquette Mobile etiquette is just one on these lists.
It involves simple rules of courtesy.
It contains guidelines of using cellphones especially when in public places.
Mobile phones are created to make us enjoy being with people and in places among others.
We often encounter people who do not practice proper cellphone etiquette.
With this, we get irritated.
Loud conversations over the phone by someone forced us to listen though it's none of our business.
Example of these talk are: oprivate conversations odetails of business meetings oquarrels or arguments ocontent of someone's house or even odebts There are people who got dismayed with inconsiderate cellphone users.
Why? Maybe these users ruined a romantic atmosphere of a certain date.
The loud ringing or talking over the phone competes with the ambiance.
On the road while driving, mobile phone user gets distracted by the call.
Last minute decisions are made once the cellphone rings.
The driver might miss what is going on that will cause unnecessary delays or accidents.
With this, New York City prompted to ban mobile use while driving in their state.
Here are some rules to create a more sensitive society: 1.
Private conversations must be done away from others.
Inappropriate places for private conversations are: oSubways oBuses oWaiting rooms oRestaurants oPublic Restrooms oHallways oPersonal and business conversations contain information that must be confidential.
Before engaging in a private business call or issues, distance must be observed.
And when in public places, put the ringer in silent mode or vibrate setting.
oYou can also put the call to voice mail.
If it is really an urgent call, go to a private area to answer it.
Secure conversation.
Talking too loud over the mobile phone may endanger business deals, relationships, and future plans.
Keep a pleasant tone or voice.
Mobile phones are created with sensitive microphones.
It is not appropriate to yell over the phone.
When people are around you, you ought to keep your voice modulated and your tone even.
Tough talk must be reserved for private settings.
Do not do the following in public: oargue with your boss ofight with your spouse ofire employee oreprimand employee ointense emotional conversations 3.
Phone off.
Turn off your mobile phone in: oMovie theaters oPlay houses oObservatories oChurch and oOther public places 4.
Proximity Rule: 10 - 20 feet distance or more.
Respect others' personal space.
Intruding one's personal space will make the person uncomfortable.
A smart mobile phone user will maintain a distance from the nearest person while talking on the cellphone.
Sensitivity to others' comfort is a sign of excellent character.
Keep the call short when in a public place.
Protect your conversations.
Get back to the caller when you are no longer in public.
Respect the person you are with.
It is unbecoming to take a call while on a date or social engagement unless it is very important.
It is even more inconsiderate taking a call while in a conversation.
Roll the call to a voice mail and return the call later.
Pick the right location spot.
There are better locations for cellphone conversations which offer privacy and are noise-free.
The smart cellphone user must learn which spot gives the best signal and must learn to wait for appropriate condition to make the best impression.
It is important in business negotiation to give a professional communication experience.
Cellphone bores sacrifices for effectiveness and professionalism for immediacy.
There is always a time for everything.
Some people are better in multi-tasking.
They juggled many things at the same time.
Multi-tasking is not always good all the time.
There are things in life that needs concentration.
A smart mobile user stops other activities when taking a call.
Needless to say, answering cellphone calls while driving can lead to accidents.
Some calls can wait till the destination is reached.
If not, pull over to have the conversation.
Timing - Use common sense.
A smart cellphone user knows when to turn on or off the mobile phone.
Some of the situations that need the phone to be turned off are: ojob interview oboardroom meeting obusiness presentation ostepping up a service counter oplace of worship ofuneral owedding oany place with quiet atmosphere Cellphone etiquette is just matter of common sense and sensitivity.
It will pay off.
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