Summer time means the time of joy, hanging out with all, going for a picnic to any beautiful place, visiting Dog Park, a holiday trip and lots more activities. Among all this activities and fun the dog's health cannot be neglected .In fact one has to be more cautious about the pet's health. Summer is the time or season when mostly the dogs are attacked by numerous kinds of worms and diseases. Therefore, the pet dog needs utmost attention of the master.The rising temperature may posses a life threat for the dog especially in the case of "Humidex Reading".
10 summer troubles are discussed below.
10 summer troubles are discussed below.
- There are few troubles that a dog faces during summer due to heat .Due to excessive high outdoor temperature the dog can have heat stroke,heat cramps and heat exhaustion.heat stroke leads abnormalities in nervous system which includes weakness, coma.sometimes the effect is so severe that the dog need to under go medication.
- Burrs often gets tangled up in the hair coat of the dog.The burrs are often need to be cleared away from the dogs body.
- Ciao Cocoa Mulch often grows in the lawn sides.this planting planting material can cause threat to the dog as it contains an risky ingredient naming chocolate.The dog can suffer from health disorder if it is ingested unknowingly.It is a deadly thing.
- Mosquitoes increases more in the summer.It is another cause that enhances the risk of heart worm.Beside mosquitoes lice and ticks are also found in the dog's body.These Flicks and ticks has to be removed daily.
- Mushrooms can prove deadly and fatal for the dog.Various mushrooms grows in the lawn or the garden .They has to uprooted as if it is in taken it can lead to death.
- the dogs are often has the habit of smelling things.When the dog is taken out for a walk it goes on smelling flowers, things in the surrounding.This habit can prove to be injurious for the health as there are many toxic wild flowers which if snacked will be bad for health.
- the skin of the paw is often burned in the heated surface. the scorching heat of the sun not only brings stroke or coma but at the same time it causes irritation in the paw of the dog.