- Before transferring the photos from your PC to your cell phone, you must first install your software on the PC. This software CD, also referred to as the Software Suite, should be included in the box your phone came in. If your phone has USB connection and did not come with the software or the USB cord, you can search for your phone's model online to locate a site where you can order the parts. You may also contact as the store you bought the phone from to get the USB cord or software.
Make sure the mini-SD card is inserted into your phone. Install your phone's software, which also contains your phone's driver. Once the software has been installed, connect your phone to the PC via the USB cord. Your phone will recognize that it is connected and will switch on. In some instances, it will also ask you to select an option on the phone screen that allows the phone to enter file transfer mode, although many models just go into this mode automatically once connected. - Once your phone has been installed and connected to your PC, it should open your phone's drive automatically (Auto Run). If this doesn't happen, go to the start menu on your PC and select "My Computer." Open this folder and select the drive that contains your phone's model name or emblem. Open this drive and select the folder that you wish to save the pictures to. Next, open the folder on your PC that houses the photos that you wish to transfer. Adjust both screens so that they are side by side.
Left click the file that you want to transfer over, and while holding down the left clicker button, drag the file over to your phone's folder. If you are selecting more than one file, left click the first chosen file, hold down the control button on the keyboard and left click every file you want to choose. When all of your selected photos are highlighted, hold the control button and click the first chosen file. Drag this over to the phone's folder and release the left-click button. This will transfer over your files.
Installing the Software
Transferring the Files