Insurance Renters Insurance

Home Insurance - When Disloyalty Makes You Pay Less

You can pay less by being loyal to an insurer...
but not always.
In fact, there are times when you'll save a bundle by being disloyal to an insurance company.
So, when does it pay to be loyal and when does it not pay.
Knowing when to switch and when not to could save you a few hundred dollars...
1) Get your policies from the same insurer.
That is, buy your auto, home, life insurance policy (and more if they are licensed to sell them in your state) from the same insurance company.
This could attract savings of close to 15% from most insurance companies.
However, the multi-policy discount you get might be much less than what you'll get by buying your policies from various insurers.
So, take some time out to check properly.
2) Discounts are usually available to policy holders who remain with an insurer for three years and above.
The discounts given generally increases with your years as a policyholder.
Although you are sure to be given loyalty discounts for staying with an insurer for any reasonable length of time, you may end up making more in savings if you go over to another insurance company.
Discovering which serves you best is quite easy...
Just obtain new quotes from other insurance companies and then check if what you have as rebate for staying loyal to your present insurer is as much as what you'll be given if you switch.
To get the best results, obtain quotes from at least three reputable insurance quotes sites that offer home insurance quotes.
Getting quotes from this number of sites reduce the likelihood that you'll miss any great offer.
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