Insurance Renters Insurance

Snowbirds - Before You Fly South For the Winter

Snowbirds ...
before you fly south for the winter Gary and Deb retired a few years ago and love everything about their well-deserved lifestyle - except our cold Alberta winters.
So when real estate became so affordable in Arizona, they took the plunge and bought a condominium.
They're about to head off for their first warm winter and are understandably excited.
Deb called not too long ago to inquire about travel and health insurance, which was a very wise idea.
After she was set up with what they'd need for medical coverage, we asked if she was aware of limitations in their homeowners policy that apply to anyone who temporarily relocates during the winter.
Like any new Snowbird, this was news to Deb.
We explained that when you're away from home for more than 4 consecutive days, your homeowner's policy will only cover damage caused by freezing if certain conditions are met.
However, the heated portion of Deb and Gary's home would still be protected by taking the following precautions:
  1. if they arranged for a competent person to enter their home every day they were away to ensure that heating is being maintained or
  2. if they shut off the water supply and drained all the pipes and domestic water containers or
  3. if their plumbing and heating system was connected to a monitored alarm station providing 24 hour service
Deb and Gary will be gone for several months, so they chose the second option.
However, even if you're going on a short excursion this winter, make arrangements to have someone you trust pop into your house every day to make sure everything is okay.
You've probably already asked them to pick up your mail and newspapers, anyway.
These are easy requirements to meet but could cost you substantially if you don't.
Whether you're a Snowbird looking forward to a warm winter spent on a golf course or a traveler planning to spend a week away from home, be sure to cover your bases.
It's a smart way to protect yourself and make the most of your holiday.
This is the first part in a series of articles about building e-lationships with clients, colleagues and co-workers.
This series may give you insight into how electronic communication can be used to your advantage in building your business or organization.
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Snowbirds - Before You Fly South For the Winter
Snowbirds - Before You Fly South For the Winter

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