The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, which was written in 200 A.D, has described the eight limbs of yoga that were designed based on the understanding of internal working of mind. These eight steps are the blueprints for controlling the restlessness of mind and enabling it to achieve a state of calm. The body movements or asanas deal with our body, the rest deals with our mind, breath, perception and intention. The eight limbs are five yamas (restraints), five niyamas (observances), asanas (body movements), pranayama (breathing exercises), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (focused concentration), and dhyana (meditation), Samadhi (blissful feelings).
Many people practicing yoga don't know about these facts. To maximize the benefits provided by yoga, awareness must be created among yoga practitioners so that it may lead them to the desired results as per the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.
As far as the physical fitness is concerned, yoga has raised its level tremendously. However, it still lacks in acknowledging the fact that yoga is a path of awakening our subconscious mind and making us realize our interconnectedness with the world. Yoga means to join and it aims to join not only mind and body but also we as human beings to this whole planet. The awareness of our body (right from the organs and down to the cells, atoms and molecules) increases with asanas, and breathing practice and helps us to achieve the true purpose of yoga.
Meditation is integral part of yoga. Asanas simply make our body ready for meditation. While meditating when our awareness transcends and reaches the source of origin of thoughts, Samadhi is achieved and our mind, body, spirit and emotions are united. Not only does meditation enhance the practice of yoga, it provides a feeling of awareness and gratitude for the blessing called life.
Yoga has the ability to deepen our understanding of how we are interconnected with the universe. Those who invented yoga understood its spiritual benefits and that is why considered it as way of life.
Physical fitness is merely an added advantage of yoga. Eventually everyone is going to die, though benefits of a healthy body cannot be denied. Spiritual yoga enlightens and shows the path for leading a well-balanced, happy, and content life. Only by practicing yoga at spiritual level can true happiness and fulfillment be found.
Yoga makes it clear to us that our civilization and culture can work together as a whole and we are interconnected with the universe. For its spiritual benefits the inventors of yoga, described it as a way of life.
Most of the people practicing yoga are unaware of these components and only focus on the asanas. To achieve the desired results of yoga as per The Yoga Sutra there is a need to create awareness among the people who practice yoga, about these components of yoga.
Many people practicing yoga don't know about these facts. To maximize the benefits provided by yoga, awareness must be created among yoga practitioners so that it may lead them to the desired results as per the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.
As far as the physical fitness is concerned, yoga has raised its level tremendously. However, it still lacks in acknowledging the fact that yoga is a path of awakening our subconscious mind and making us realize our interconnectedness with the world. Yoga means to join and it aims to join not only mind and body but also we as human beings to this whole planet. The awareness of our body (right from the organs and down to the cells, atoms and molecules) increases with asanas, and breathing practice and helps us to achieve the true purpose of yoga.
Meditation is integral part of yoga. Asanas simply make our body ready for meditation. While meditating when our awareness transcends and reaches the source of origin of thoughts, Samadhi is achieved and our mind, body, spirit and emotions are united. Not only does meditation enhance the practice of yoga, it provides a feeling of awareness and gratitude for the blessing called life.
Yoga has the ability to deepen our understanding of how we are interconnected with the universe. Those who invented yoga understood its spiritual benefits and that is why considered it as way of life.
Physical fitness is merely an added advantage of yoga. Eventually everyone is going to die, though benefits of a healthy body cannot be denied. Spiritual yoga enlightens and shows the path for leading a well-balanced, happy, and content life. Only by practicing yoga at spiritual level can true happiness and fulfillment be found.
Yoga makes it clear to us that our civilization and culture can work together as a whole and we are interconnected with the universe. For its spiritual benefits the inventors of yoga, described it as a way of life.
Most of the people practicing yoga are unaware of these components and only focus on the asanas. To achieve the desired results of yoga as per The Yoga Sutra there is a need to create awareness among the people who practice yoga, about these components of yoga.