- 1). Examine the sweet olive tree for any dead or diseased branches that show signs of serious sickness, including wilting or dying leaves, dying twigs, a lack of blooming during the growing season or cankers on the branch.
- 2). Purify a set of pruning shears with wood alcohol before pruning each branch. This helps to control the spread of disease from unhealthy to healthy portions of the tree.
- 3). Prune any dead branches from the diseased tea olive tree. Dead branches can rot and fall off, damaging the tree, or house harmful fungi that spread disease to healthy portions of the tree. Cut dead branches off as close to the trunk or a connected branch as possible.
- 4). Prune any severely diseased branches. These branches can house fungi or insects that damage the branches and spread the disease to the remainder of the tree, in addition to weakening the tree. Cut branches off at an angle close to the trunk or a connected branch to promote new growth.
- 5). Irrigate the soil around the sweet olive tree. Tea olive trees need moist but well-drained soil, and clay soil or soil that retains water can weaken the tree or expose it to disease.
- 6). Add fertilizer to the soil around the base of the tree. Spread the fertilizer out so that it is evenly spread underneath the same area covered by the canopy branches. This helps fertilizer reach the roots more effectively.
- 7). Apply a fungicide or pesticide to the tree if the disease is caused by fungi or insects. Chemical controls can help stop further damage to the sweet olive tree.