Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Why Do Some Dogs Get a Broken Heart?

Are dogs created with a pure, clean heart?Yes, till they reach a bad home that kills their joy, removes their spirit and changes their personality.
They can even get a broken heart due to their living condition "A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, educated or illiterate, clever or dull.
Give him your heart and he will give you his.
" John Grogan What drives a human to be mean to a dog? Imagine how sad it is that innocent great pets can come from a good home, go into a bad home or come from a bad home, and try to fit into an adopted home.
Do you think they can get a broken heart from rejection? Have you ever taken your "darling" to a psychiatrist helping analyze the problem from previous owners?Today we have behavior therapist for them.
I don't think these animals understand why anyone would be mean to them.
I can't understand it myself.
What makes people behave this way?Suppressed anger? Or, couldit be because of their own personal frustrations? Repressed or stored anger can come out like a roaring lion.
Many times it comes without warning.
Words can sting and sometimes the animal is the one who gets the grunt of their emotional anger issues.
Hopefully folks will recognize to seek help without hurting a human or four-legged creature.
"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.
" ~ Immanual Kant Milan Kundera said: "Dogs are our link to paradise.
They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent.
To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.
" At last..
Here are three steps to win the heart of a dog: 1.
Voice: Speak softly.
Dogs are not dumb.
They can hear your voice well.
A tender, soft voice is welcomed while a rough one is harsh to their ears.
It creates fear.
Totally what you don't want these creates to sense, but give them the unconditional love they deserve.
Reflection: What sounds better to your ears: a soft or harsh voice? 2.
Food and Water.
Fresh is best for food choices.
Buy the best quality not just based on the dollar tag.
Change the water a few times a day.
Even when it comes to water consider filtered or one better than your choline free water.
Both are harmful to your health, but study before believing what you read or hear.
Do your own homework first--then decide.
Reflection: What kind of foods and drinks go into your body? How do you feel afterward? Gas or bloated? How do you think the pet feels eating or drinking wrongly.
Walk and play.
Just like you may love to take a walk, run or throw a ball around, your dog loves to engage in that too.
Now if you talking about an older dog they may be a modified exercise program daily but still they love your company.
Reflection: Do you like to exercise daily? What kind of exercise could you and your best friend, the dog, do together? Now let's get down to basics..
Your dog will love you more with your soft voice, food and water plusexercise with playtime daily.
Please start spreading the message that dogs need a home filled with love and not fear.
Why give them a broken heart to live with each day? Wags from Molly, the dog and Carol Giambri
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