The main things that people who are confined to wheelchairs want are independence, mobility, and the freedom to do things for themselves. Their self-esteem often suffers greatly as they are forced to accept assistance from others for even the most mundane of daily tasks. In addition, they can feel closed in when they have no way to get out of their homes and enjoy the world around them. Imagine how you would feel if you suddenly were unable to use your legs and had to depend on a wheelchair for your only mobility. You can see why a wheelchair accessible minivan can open up the person's world and make them feel good about themselves again.
People in wheelchairs are disabled, but many times they are not handicapped in any other way. They develop powerful muscles in their upper bodies, and their brains are every bit as active as anyone else's. These people don't want to have to count on a friend or relative to take them to the grocery store or their job or their girlfriend to drive them to picnics in the park. They want to be able to do these things for themselves. By having a minivan that's fitted out for a wheelchair, they can achieve a great deal of freedom, and their lives can seem more like normal.
A wheelchair accessible minivan looks like the vehicle everyone else drives. Going down the road no one will even realize that the van is fitted for wheelchair use. To start with, many of these vans are equipped with power doors and in-floor ramps, so everything operates easily at the push of a button. They can also be customized in order to allow the person in the wheelchair to drive or ride as a front seat passenger. A disabled person can gain back a lot of self-confidence by being able to open the doors, load their chairs, and drive anywhere they want to go. Disembarking at their destination is just as easy.
No longer confined to their home or neighborhood, people with minivans that are equipped for wheelchair use find the world opened up before them. These vans are quite expensive, but what price can you put on mobility, freedom, and self-esteem? It is possible to get assistance from insurance companies and government programs to help finance a medically-necessary purchase, such as transportation.
Whoever thought up the idea of equipping minivans for use by people confined to wheelchairs should be awarded a medal. Nothing else gives a disabled person the feeling of independence and freedom like a wheelchair accessible minivan does.
People in wheelchairs are disabled, but many times they are not handicapped in any other way. They develop powerful muscles in their upper bodies, and their brains are every bit as active as anyone else's. These people don't want to have to count on a friend or relative to take them to the grocery store or their job or their girlfriend to drive them to picnics in the park. They want to be able to do these things for themselves. By having a minivan that's fitted out for a wheelchair, they can achieve a great deal of freedom, and their lives can seem more like normal.
A wheelchair accessible minivan looks like the vehicle everyone else drives. Going down the road no one will even realize that the van is fitted for wheelchair use. To start with, many of these vans are equipped with power doors and in-floor ramps, so everything operates easily at the push of a button. They can also be customized in order to allow the person in the wheelchair to drive or ride as a front seat passenger. A disabled person can gain back a lot of self-confidence by being able to open the doors, load their chairs, and drive anywhere they want to go. Disembarking at their destination is just as easy.
No longer confined to their home or neighborhood, people with minivans that are equipped for wheelchair use find the world opened up before them. These vans are quite expensive, but what price can you put on mobility, freedom, and self-esteem? It is possible to get assistance from insurance companies and government programs to help finance a medically-necessary purchase, such as transportation.
Whoever thought up the idea of equipping minivans for use by people confined to wheelchairs should be awarded a medal. Nothing else gives a disabled person the feeling of independence and freedom like a wheelchair accessible minivan does.