Article writing is a great way to establish yourself on the internet.
Article writing is the best advertising method that I know about that can get you results long term without you having to do a single thing about it.
If you write a good article, you will get to do the work once and reap the rewards from that one article for years to come.
The best thing about article marketing is that anybody can do it.
If you are just starting out on the internet, this is the best way to go, as there is no charge to submit articles to article directories, and once you have done that, those articles are there for a very long time.
If you do any sort of paid advertising on the internet, you know that once you stop paying, the advert stops showing.
Not so for article marketing.
By putting in the effort once, your article will be floating around for a long time.
If you are not a writer, don't worry.
I am not a writer either, but I have been doing article marketing for almost two years, and this is the only method of advertising that I have tried that brings long term results.
All it takes is some practice.
Once you get going with your article you should take between twenty and forty minutes to come up with a fairly decent article.
There are hundreds of article submission sites on the net, and the more places you submit, the better your article will do.
In this way more people will get to read your article, and you have more chances of a publisher picking up your article and using it in one of their publications, ezines or even on their website.
The rule is if you use somebody's article, you need to use their resource box.
The resource box is where you can have your call to action, like visit my website here.
In this way you will be getting even more traffic to your offer or website and some great quality back links to your website.
We all know that the search engines love back links, so the more articles you have out there with a link to your website, the higher your website will rank in the search engines.
So what are you waiting for.
Write about something that you know a lot about.
Once you get going, you will be amazed at how easily the words will start to flow.
Article writing is the best advertising method that I know about that can get you results long term without you having to do a single thing about it.
If you write a good article, you will get to do the work once and reap the rewards from that one article for years to come.
The best thing about article marketing is that anybody can do it.
If you are just starting out on the internet, this is the best way to go, as there is no charge to submit articles to article directories, and once you have done that, those articles are there for a very long time.
If you do any sort of paid advertising on the internet, you know that once you stop paying, the advert stops showing.
Not so for article marketing.
By putting in the effort once, your article will be floating around for a long time.
If you are not a writer, don't worry.
I am not a writer either, but I have been doing article marketing for almost two years, and this is the only method of advertising that I have tried that brings long term results.
All it takes is some practice.
Once you get going with your article you should take between twenty and forty minutes to come up with a fairly decent article.
There are hundreds of article submission sites on the net, and the more places you submit, the better your article will do.
In this way more people will get to read your article, and you have more chances of a publisher picking up your article and using it in one of their publications, ezines or even on their website.
The rule is if you use somebody's article, you need to use their resource box.
The resource box is where you can have your call to action, like visit my website here.
In this way you will be getting even more traffic to your offer or website and some great quality back links to your website.
We all know that the search engines love back links, so the more articles you have out there with a link to your website, the higher your website will rank in the search engines.
So what are you waiting for.
Write about something that you know a lot about.
Once you get going, you will be amazed at how easily the words will start to flow.