Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Owning A Labrador Retriever

Bringing a pet into your home can be wonderful experience.
Children and adults alike join together in the decision making process focused around choosing the dog that's right for them.
Each breed of dog has its own loyal following of admirers.
But no breed is more accepted into homes as the family pet than the Labrador Retriever.
The ownership of dogs in general comes with its own set of challenges; a family must make way for a new resident in their home - a resident whose care can feel initially overwhelming to those who have not owned dogs in the past.
The Labrador Retriever, especially, can be a bit of handful in the beginning.
But ownership of this bright, beautiful dog has its own reward.
The Labrador Retriever is a medium sized dog recognized by its short, water-resistant coat, otter-like tail, square jaw, and broad head.
It was originally bred for hunting because of its boundless energy, natural intelligence and ability to be trained.
Today, the Labrador Retriever is still used for hunting purposes, but its amiable nature and loving personality has made it a more popular household pet.
Owners of the Labrador Retriever report of its sweet personality, fun-loving spirit, and high-energy antics.
It's no wonder that this special breed of dog is loved by families far and wide.
There are some things that must be considered before you choose to bring a Labrador Retriever into the home.
First and foremost, the Labrador Retriever is a considerable size of dog with a lot of energy.
It needs adequate living space and frequent access to outdoor areas in which to run around.
If you have a smaller living environment, you may want to consider another breed of dog.
It is important - and most fair to the animal - that you have adequate space for its needs.
Further, the Labrador Retriever is a social dog that enjoys and seeks out the company of humans.
If your schedule does not allow you to be home a large percentage of the time, then it would not be fair to own a Labrador Retriever.
This breed does best in a family situation where someone is home most of the time.
It's no surprise then that larger families - with ongoing activity - tend to gravitate to the Labrador Retriever.
Most families find that this loving dog fits right in!
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