- Fund raising is an essential part of most any group or organization's functioning. Fund raisers are often what keeps school bands going, sends missionaries to other countries, and are an essential part of what keeps some non-profit organizations running from day to day. If you need to plan a fund raiser for your group or organizations, there are tons of great fund-raising ideas to help bring in some cash.
- Asking for funds to help your organization from those associated with it is one of the easiest ways to raise funds. For things such as church youth groups, asking members of the congregation for a small donation to help you run for the year can often lead to a huge reward. School organizations can often ask the parents of children in their particular group. For larger groups and organizations try asking those in the community you're a part of for a small donation.
- Hold an event and sell tickets at a price that will make your group a decent profit. Both spaghetti and pancake dinners are very popular and can be done at a very low cost. In the summer try organizing a car wash or a walk-athon where people pledge money based on how far your members walk. A casino night where guests pay a certain amount of money for chips that can later be exchanged into donated non-cash prizes at the end of the night can be a successful idea for adult groups.
- Both raffles and silent auctions can help your group make money and can be done in conjunction with a dinner or other event your group is putting on. Talk to local businesses in your area to see if you can acquire donations that can be raffled or auctioned off. Depending on the size of your group, you may want to invest in purchasing something, such as a popular toy at Christmas, and raffling it if you think you can make a significant profit selling tickets.
- Selling candy, wrapping paper, cookie dough, magazines and other items is a proven method of making money for your group. If possible, try selling items that your group has personally made. Selling homemade baked goods and crafts will mean 100% profit for your group or cause.
Ask for Donations
Hold an Event
Raffle and Silent Auction
Selling Items