Network marketing is just one source of income, it doesn't have to be your only source of income. You network everyday, whether you know it or not. If you have the right answers and tools to help with each person that you network with you would be well off by now.
Simply put, everyone needs something and advocare offers just another dynamic to network marketing. Each friend or relative you have may not be interested in this product, but when you take it and people see the results the questions will start pouring in.
I've just started the product these past 2 weeks and the results are amazing from Spark and Slam. Both give me intense energy that sustains and doesn't give me a crash. It's my belief in the product that makes me want to share it with others.
Think outside the box for a minute, network marketing schemes typically take alot of work. True. Well, then why not sell big orders instead of door to door? Small grocery stores, gyms, gas stations, neighbors and more, the opportunity is there.
There is more than 1 way to skin a cat and simply put that's how you need to think in business. Listen to what works from others and apply what works for yourself. Personally I do many things, cars, computers, graphic design and personal training. I have the ability to offer a different aspect of myself to anyone that I meet or know. Advocare is just added to the list of things that help.
Best thing you can do, go on and order the cheapest item on the menu. You'll spend $30 to test out something. When it works, you'll want more product to try. I'm sure you'll waste more money in other non-beneficial ways than testing a nutritional product.
Before I let you go, the weight loss product is not something I personally tried but have seen the results after 7 months of being on it. My friend Gigi lost 85 lbs in 7 months on the weight loss supplements without having a drastic diet change. True story.
Simply put, everyone needs something and advocare offers just another dynamic to network marketing. Each friend or relative you have may not be interested in this product, but when you take it and people see the results the questions will start pouring in.
I've just started the product these past 2 weeks and the results are amazing from Spark and Slam. Both give me intense energy that sustains and doesn't give me a crash. It's my belief in the product that makes me want to share it with others.
Think outside the box for a minute, network marketing schemes typically take alot of work. True. Well, then why not sell big orders instead of door to door? Small grocery stores, gyms, gas stations, neighbors and more, the opportunity is there.
There is more than 1 way to skin a cat and simply put that's how you need to think in business. Listen to what works from others and apply what works for yourself. Personally I do many things, cars, computers, graphic design and personal training. I have the ability to offer a different aspect of myself to anyone that I meet or know. Advocare is just added to the list of things that help.
Best thing you can do, go on and order the cheapest item on the menu. You'll spend $30 to test out something. When it works, you'll want more product to try. I'm sure you'll waste more money in other non-beneficial ways than testing a nutritional product.
Before I let you go, the weight loss product is not something I personally tried but have seen the results after 7 months of being on it. My friend Gigi lost 85 lbs in 7 months on the weight loss supplements without having a drastic diet change. True story.