Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Is it Voodoo Or Just Bad Luck? What to Do to Protect Your Auto Insurance Quotes

Some say it's voodoo.
Some say it's hoodoo.
But absolutely no one will ever forget the driver who sent his insurance company a claim for a broken windshield claiming: "Windshield broke.
Cause unknown.
Probably voodoo.
" If you were an insurance underwriter, would you be able to let that one go? Would you wonder, or write it off as simply bad luck? Would you take the time and effort to investigate, or would you stay as far away from the whole situation as you could? We may never know if that windshield was the result of voodoo magic or just plain ol' bad luck, but we do know it pays to make sure your auto insurance quotes are prepared.
Just in case.
How do you gear up your auto insurance quotes to do battle with the supernatural? The same way you'd gear them up to defend against anything else.
Stay 3 steps ahead of the game.
Be sure you're an impeccable insurance risk-and by that, I mean almost no insurance risk whatsoever! 1) Drive safely.
It may sound like common sense.
It may even BE common sense-to you.
But you'd be amazed at the sheer quantity of people each year who find themselves involved in avoidable accidents simply because they weren't paying attention to the rules of the road...
or they firmly believed they were immune to whatever nasty disasters were waiting and took advantage of that to drive without the care they might have used otherwise.
2) Trim down your policy.
If bad luck's going to come along and send your auto insurance quotes flying, you may as well start from as low a number as possible! No, I'm not suggesting you pare down your insurance to the bare minimum.
That would be foolhardy.
You may, however, want to take a look at all of the "Perks" you get along with your coverage.
Surprise surprise, you may already be paying for some of those through other providers! 3) How's your credit? Good credit's a sign of responsibility, and when you're going head to head with the forces of darkness you need all the "oomph" in your corner you can get! Keep your credit score high.
You can use it to absorb the blow if things happen to go terribly, terribly wrong.
4) Pick an insurance friendly car.
I know your insurance quotes aren't (usually) the first thing the first thing on your mind when you're shopping around for a new car, but when you've got bad luck dogging your heels maybe it ought to be! Check with the Highway Data Loss Institute to see who's on this year's Top 10 Most Insurance-Friendly Cars and see what making the right choice can do to shave big bucks off your auto insurance quotes.
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