Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

3 simple top tips for playing the keyboard

Whenever a lot of people think about playing the keyboard or piano they think about the hours of practise and bum notes that they hit before they get things right and sound half decent.

This article looks at three simple ways you can have great amounts of fun from not only practising but also performing on the piano.

1) Play what you love to hear - So many people get fed up with practising the piano because ultimately the piece of music they are learning has NO interest to them at all. A lot of music teachers encourage you to only play classical music, no matter if you never listen to it at all in your normal day to day life. It is no surprise therefore when people become bored with it.
So if you love Elton John or Stevie Wonder then get your teacher to teach you the basics to how to perform their style of music. That way you are less likely to give up when the going gets tough!!

2) Practise when no one else is around - At least until you are more confident. The last thing you want is people who are jealous that you are trying a new skill making any comments that might dent your confidence! Then simply blow them away one day by giving a brilliant performance. The comments you then receive will boost your confidence levels no end and make you a better player guaranteed.

3) Practise, practise, practise - It does come down to this in the end because without putting in the effort you won't achieve exactly what you want to. But always focus on what you want the end result to be. Imagine what it will be like when you can simply sit down at the any keyboard or piano in the world and entertain those around you.
The piano will become your party piece and you will always be asked to play…trust me on that one.
So don't be afraid when you can't quite seem to get a certain passage correct because every pianist in the world has gone through those same feelings…..but once they conquer the problems they had it is well worth the trouble. So get on and practise!
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