When Judge Esther Morgenstern, a Brooklyn, NY domestic violence judge stole one of my children on August 15, 2012 for no reason at all, I did not know what to do.
Immediately, I was taken back to the 1600's where black children were intentionally ripped from their nurturing mother's life during the slave trade. What I would come to realize is that being separated from my child at the hands of a white woman in the 21st century without repercussions, did not have anything to do with race.
For more than a year, I investigated how my son was stolen from me. What I discovered was that, similar case scenarios to my own were happening to millions of women--and even a few men--from almost every racial, cultural and social background, all over the country.
"I think of Jewish mothers who were forced to turn their children over to the Nazis to be tortured, and I wonder, 'How is the barbaric practice of family courts forcing mothers to turn their children over to their identified abusers any different?'"
- Karen A., 14 years in Family Court, Amador County, CA
In 2012, the judge ruled that I was to have no-contact with my child. I, the registered nurse with the children charity HEAL Network Inc., that helps thousands of children and families was to have no contact at all. Although the unemployed drug addicted alcoholic with history of arrest for abuse and drugs was given sole primary custody and can have me arrested if I tried to contact my child.
This means that I cannot touch my son, kiss my son, hug my son, talk to my son, or tell him I love him without the fear of being locked up in jail.
Over the course of my own very intensive investigation, I learned that courts, nationwide receive billions of dollars in kick-backs to keep children hostage in custody cases. In doing so, they purposefully destroy families with no remorse.
Sadly, it seems the kick-backs are well-worth the destruction of families and the cheap and sadistic thrills the abusers and sociopaths get from this. Judges are facilitating cash for kids schemes like in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. I visited Judge Ronald Chapman's courtroom in North Carolina where I met a young male who was being held hostage and abused under the judge's orders.
I witnessed social workers and psychologists invent some of the most horrendously unbelievable stories to keep this awesome mother away from her child, and demonstrate some eerily bizarre behavior.
Child protective agencies such as ACS, DFS, and CPS are turning their backs and allowing children to be raped, tortured, and killed. Psychologists and lawyers are negligent and fall short of their oath where they swore to protect the children they serve.
This corruption depraving corruption has been in exchange for kickbacks and in some cases just kicks.
Among the most high-profile cases is the story of Holly Collins. Ms. Collins opted to flee America to protect her children from the courts who granted custody to the maladaptive parent. Holly Collins said she felt she had "No Way Out But One." Holly Collins didn't want to run away. In fact, she put it off until she could not live with herself unless she protected her children.
Her children told her they were being abused while in the custody of their father. They told the court supervisors. But the Minnesota family court gave the father custody anyway. A documentary was subsequently produced which depicted her case. View attached link.http://www.mefeedia.com/watch/65321695?board=2652
All across America, Family Court judges, lawyers, CPS, and mental health professionals are intentionally allowing torture, killings, rapes, abuse, maltreatment, and neglect to children. They are protecting abusers and covering up rapes. They are arresting nurturing, good parents and tying them up in financial bondage and emotional devastation.
So when corrupt judges and their cartel steal your children no Amber Alert is sent out? It is just that a judge ordered kidnapping. Rarely do people get their children back.
You now know, what I know. What are you going to do?
Aleah Holland R.N.
Author of A Little Lynched
Immediately, I was taken back to the 1600's where black children were intentionally ripped from their nurturing mother's life during the slave trade. What I would come to realize is that being separated from my child at the hands of a white woman in the 21st century without repercussions, did not have anything to do with race.
For more than a year, I investigated how my son was stolen from me. What I discovered was that, similar case scenarios to my own were happening to millions of women--and even a few men--from almost every racial, cultural and social background, all over the country.
"I think of Jewish mothers who were forced to turn their children over to the Nazis to be tortured, and I wonder, 'How is the barbaric practice of family courts forcing mothers to turn their children over to their identified abusers any different?'"
- Karen A., 14 years in Family Court, Amador County, CA
In 2012, the judge ruled that I was to have no-contact with my child. I, the registered nurse with the children charity HEAL Network Inc., that helps thousands of children and families was to have no contact at all. Although the unemployed drug addicted alcoholic with history of arrest for abuse and drugs was given sole primary custody and can have me arrested if I tried to contact my child.
This means that I cannot touch my son, kiss my son, hug my son, talk to my son, or tell him I love him without the fear of being locked up in jail.
Over the course of my own very intensive investigation, I learned that courts, nationwide receive billions of dollars in kick-backs to keep children hostage in custody cases. In doing so, they purposefully destroy families with no remorse.
Sadly, it seems the kick-backs are well-worth the destruction of families and the cheap and sadistic thrills the abusers and sociopaths get from this. Judges are facilitating cash for kids schemes like in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. I visited Judge Ronald Chapman's courtroom in North Carolina where I met a young male who was being held hostage and abused under the judge's orders.
I witnessed social workers and psychologists invent some of the most horrendously unbelievable stories to keep this awesome mother away from her child, and demonstrate some eerily bizarre behavior.
Child protective agencies such as ACS, DFS, and CPS are turning their backs and allowing children to be raped, tortured, and killed. Psychologists and lawyers are negligent and fall short of their oath where they swore to protect the children they serve.
This corruption depraving corruption has been in exchange for kickbacks and in some cases just kicks.
Among the most high-profile cases is the story of Holly Collins. Ms. Collins opted to flee America to protect her children from the courts who granted custody to the maladaptive parent. Holly Collins said she felt she had "No Way Out But One." Holly Collins didn't want to run away. In fact, she put it off until she could not live with herself unless she protected her children.
Her children told her they were being abused while in the custody of their father. They told the court supervisors. But the Minnesota family court gave the father custody anyway. A documentary was subsequently produced which depicted her case. View attached link.http://www.mefeedia.com/watch/65321695?board=2652
All across America, Family Court judges, lawyers, CPS, and mental health professionals are intentionally allowing torture, killings, rapes, abuse, maltreatment, and neglect to children. They are protecting abusers and covering up rapes. They are arresting nurturing, good parents and tying them up in financial bondage and emotional devastation.
So when corrupt judges and their cartel steal your children no Amber Alert is sent out? It is just that a judge ordered kidnapping. Rarely do people get their children back.
You now know, what I know. What are you going to do?
Aleah Holland R.N.
Author of A Little Lynched