It is a popular belief that women – monogamic creatures, that they was created for family, for raise a family and for hearth and home. But it is not mean, that they cannot be untrue to husband. I don't want talk about women's monogamy or men's polygamy. I simple want to know: what women adultery causes? So, we can see such variants:
1. For career
That doesn't happen very often, but that happen. If you please, your girl work in some topline firm and hold a good post, and she receive a stable salary. And kinda all is well, and she enjoy, but once… her boss made a date with her for supper in good restaurant. And he begins pay her attention: flowers, champagne, broad hints. If it is disagreeably for girl, she have one way out – quit the job. But what she can do if she didn't want to lose the work? Yes, it is necessary to stand to lose.
Speaking of which, if she talk about cause of dismissal at new place of work, then employers be feel suspicious of about her: "she has only herself to thank for it: dressed skimpy". Anything could happen on this previous work! Nobody will be clear up it!
And now, one fine day you see your woman in company with another man. But she make believe you that this is business relationships. Unfortunately, it is true this is only business sex Fridays.
2. For money and presents
A girl dreams about beautiful life. She waiting for lazy men's load of roses from you, but you presents three tulips. She wants vacation in Paris with you, but you can propose just trip to Sochi. And she continues to make you belief, that she loving you. She loves you only!
But not only! She love a beautiful live none the worse. Let's an Easy Street director don't promise nothing seriously to her. Do you have a guarantee that she don't start running to him when he don't beck her by new bundle of money? Don't call her whore! We don't damn men for that they like only nice women. We can think up some offending nickname for their, for example, "Doll lover".
Anybody love beauty, anybody love beautiful and rich things. But this is the same sort of thing, it called – minority of soul. It is when people notice only appearance, cover, but don't notice most importantly. Like men sleep with women only for beauty, like women sleep with men for money. It stands to mention that women not always will sleep with men for beauty he must have something else, for example, charm, intellect or money.
3. For revenge
Yes, there are such revengeful persons. Do you think that your girl is another? Try to pay a compliment to her female friend and you girl start flirt with your friends. Are you scared? Now let's imagine, that if you be untrue to her and she will know about it? What she will do? Yes, she can revenge such method. She can do like that you never know about it, but all your friends will know. What a shame! And what do you want?
4. Because of sexual frustration
Are you sure you know how much sex your woman wants? How much times at week your woman want sex? If she always tell you about it? Or are you sexual relations initiator? Do you want, where she like do it and what she like most of all in sex? What sexual poses and ling grappling she love? Tell me straight, with hand on heart or below, do you know all the sexual fantasy of your woman? Do you talk about the sex in the bed?
If you don't answer for one question above, you have cause for uneasiness. Do you know that women can fake it? No, they don't great enjoy it, but the case is that this is one of that seriously causes of women adultery.
Women usually say: "He is good people in person, but in sex – totally wasted!" It is deplorably to recognize it. They live not with jelty-rolls, but with good husbands. But they sleep with jelty-rolls.
5. Pissed off!
Your woman can turn out to be in bed with another man, because you simple screw her down. No, she loving you and she continue loving you. But she simply get tired from your endless knocks, your unpredictable character, your steep demands to her like a wife and housewife.
She didn't want do it such you want and she get tired tell you about it because you don't hear her and continue stand fast. She is get tired to meet your wishes. She want that anybody is hear her and meet her wishes. And believe me she be justified in doing it. Therefore if it will not be you, then it will be anybody another.
Don't think than nobody wants her and nobody is interested in her. Because one fine day you will go into the wilderness. Then you will have much time for think over question: "Why she did it?" And this her adultery doesn't mean, that she didn't like sex with you. She like it. Simply you are too difficult people for her. Too many rules and principle you have.
6. "Ups! I did it again!"
Another words accidentally. She can be unfaithful to you simply because she had one drink too many in a bar, then some nice guy proposed her drive home…
She didn't remember how she is happen in his bed and everything else. Simply she feel herself alone and unhappy however you.
Consider this, may be you simply don't pay attention to her? May be you too busy by your work for to be together with her. You buy off her by money and tell to her: "Dear, take a credit card! Enjoy and will do yourself well! But don't call me, because I have conference in the morning, then… and then… and I busy in the evening too! And I will make a business trip in another city tomorrow. No! Why you go with me? That is cold! You will be taken ill! I will call you better! Don't bore yourself!"
And what she can do at present? She is sort of your woman. And at the same time she is in and of itself. She solve her problem her best.
7. She was seduced
For example, you are together a long time and you know one another well. You understand each other without words. You much learned each other and you not much to talk about. More exactly there is little need to speak or something, because you get inside one another head. She can mentally compose dialogue with you.
You stop to surprise one another. You like a man stop to pay attention to women: give flowers, meet coming from work if she had been delayed, pay compliments… She has the habit and she think that all right – you have stable relationships.
But once one fine day she is meet a man, which begin pay attention to her: he such gallant. It is such fascinatingly, emotionally and unpredictable. And she jump in feet first. No, it is didn't help her "refresh" relationships with you. She wants new romances, new emotions, new feelings. Women – emotional creatures and they cannot live in grey room within four walls. If you don't surprise her then somebody will do it.
And now what we can conclude from causes above? If you want that your woman don't be untrue you never, then:
- Stand by her in work – help her to find employment, alight on feet or go into business for her success didn't depend on authority;
- Give gifts to her, she love it, let's it will be not expensive trifle, it will be pleasantly to her;
- Try don't be untrue to her, but if it will take place try she don't know about it;
- Meet her wishes in bed;
- Don't get her goat, don't make terms;
- Pay her attention, simple be near her, converse with her – it is important for her.
Women think that one cause is not enough for her adultery. But if you already have many causes – woman can go the limit.
1. For career
That doesn't happen very often, but that happen. If you please, your girl work in some topline firm and hold a good post, and she receive a stable salary. And kinda all is well, and she enjoy, but once… her boss made a date with her for supper in good restaurant. And he begins pay her attention: flowers, champagne, broad hints. If it is disagreeably for girl, she have one way out – quit the job. But what she can do if she didn't want to lose the work? Yes, it is necessary to stand to lose.
Speaking of which, if she talk about cause of dismissal at new place of work, then employers be feel suspicious of about her: "she has only herself to thank for it: dressed skimpy". Anything could happen on this previous work! Nobody will be clear up it!
And now, one fine day you see your woman in company with another man. But she make believe you that this is business relationships. Unfortunately, it is true this is only business sex Fridays.
2. For money and presents
A girl dreams about beautiful life. She waiting for lazy men's load of roses from you, but you presents three tulips. She wants vacation in Paris with you, but you can propose just trip to Sochi. And she continues to make you belief, that she loving you. She loves you only!
But not only! She love a beautiful live none the worse. Let's an Easy Street director don't promise nothing seriously to her. Do you have a guarantee that she don't start running to him when he don't beck her by new bundle of money? Don't call her whore! We don't damn men for that they like only nice women. We can think up some offending nickname for their, for example, "Doll lover".
Anybody love beauty, anybody love beautiful and rich things. But this is the same sort of thing, it called – minority of soul. It is when people notice only appearance, cover, but don't notice most importantly. Like men sleep with women only for beauty, like women sleep with men for money. It stands to mention that women not always will sleep with men for beauty he must have something else, for example, charm, intellect or money.
3. For revenge
Yes, there are such revengeful persons. Do you think that your girl is another? Try to pay a compliment to her female friend and you girl start flirt with your friends. Are you scared? Now let's imagine, that if you be untrue to her and she will know about it? What she will do? Yes, she can revenge such method. She can do like that you never know about it, but all your friends will know. What a shame! And what do you want?
4. Because of sexual frustration
Are you sure you know how much sex your woman wants? How much times at week your woman want sex? If she always tell you about it? Or are you sexual relations initiator? Do you want, where she like do it and what she like most of all in sex? What sexual poses and ling grappling she love? Tell me straight, with hand on heart or below, do you know all the sexual fantasy of your woman? Do you talk about the sex in the bed?
If you don't answer for one question above, you have cause for uneasiness. Do you know that women can fake it? No, they don't great enjoy it, but the case is that this is one of that seriously causes of women adultery.
Women usually say: "He is good people in person, but in sex – totally wasted!" It is deplorably to recognize it. They live not with jelty-rolls, but with good husbands. But they sleep with jelty-rolls.
5. Pissed off!
Your woman can turn out to be in bed with another man, because you simple screw her down. No, she loving you and she continue loving you. But she simply get tired from your endless knocks, your unpredictable character, your steep demands to her like a wife and housewife.
She didn't want do it such you want and she get tired tell you about it because you don't hear her and continue stand fast. She is get tired to meet your wishes. She want that anybody is hear her and meet her wishes. And believe me she be justified in doing it. Therefore if it will not be you, then it will be anybody another.
Don't think than nobody wants her and nobody is interested in her. Because one fine day you will go into the wilderness. Then you will have much time for think over question: "Why she did it?" And this her adultery doesn't mean, that she didn't like sex with you. She like it. Simply you are too difficult people for her. Too many rules and principle you have.
6. "Ups! I did it again!"
Another words accidentally. She can be unfaithful to you simply because she had one drink too many in a bar, then some nice guy proposed her drive home…
She didn't remember how she is happen in his bed and everything else. Simply she feel herself alone and unhappy however you.
Consider this, may be you simply don't pay attention to her? May be you too busy by your work for to be together with her. You buy off her by money and tell to her: "Dear, take a credit card! Enjoy and will do yourself well! But don't call me, because I have conference in the morning, then… and then… and I busy in the evening too! And I will make a business trip in another city tomorrow. No! Why you go with me? That is cold! You will be taken ill! I will call you better! Don't bore yourself!"
And what she can do at present? She is sort of your woman. And at the same time she is in and of itself. She solve her problem her best.
7. She was seduced
For example, you are together a long time and you know one another well. You understand each other without words. You much learned each other and you not much to talk about. More exactly there is little need to speak or something, because you get inside one another head. She can mentally compose dialogue with you.
You stop to surprise one another. You like a man stop to pay attention to women: give flowers, meet coming from work if she had been delayed, pay compliments… She has the habit and she think that all right – you have stable relationships.
But once one fine day she is meet a man, which begin pay attention to her: he such gallant. It is such fascinatingly, emotionally and unpredictable. And she jump in feet first. No, it is didn't help her "refresh" relationships with you. She wants new romances, new emotions, new feelings. Women – emotional creatures and they cannot live in grey room within four walls. If you don't surprise her then somebody will do it.
And now what we can conclude from causes above? If you want that your woman don't be untrue you never, then:
- Stand by her in work – help her to find employment, alight on feet or go into business for her success didn't depend on authority;
- Give gifts to her, she love it, let's it will be not expensive trifle, it will be pleasantly to her;
- Try don't be untrue to her, but if it will take place try she don't know about it;
- Meet her wishes in bed;
- Don't get her goat, don't make terms;
- Pay her attention, simple be near her, converse with her – it is important for her.
Women think that one cause is not enough for her adultery. But if you already have many causes – woman can go the limit.