How can you make him feel you truly love him? How do you choose the words to show him you care? Is there any way to make him commit to you? Here are three tips that, when followed to the letter, will make him feel you truly love him.
#1 - Don't make him feel you're too gaga over him.
This strategy may seem surprising, because when people fall in love, it's more common that they give everything they can to make the relationship work.
How can this be a bad thing? It's like this -- being in love is okay.
It's the way you show your love that can lead the relationship down a bad turn.
For instance, there is a tendency for women to be too touchy and clingy with their men.
This may lead the guy to think that she cannot survive without him -- and that can be really unattractive.
It's more common for a guy to like independent women more than needy ones.
#2 - Don't be too fast or too slow.
As the saying goes: "A stone thrown hits the ground faster.
" It's the same way with relationships.
If you don't let it progress at its own pace and instead force it, you can run the relationship into the ground unknowingly - which is not the best way to make him feel you truly love him.
Men, specifically the better and more independent ones, more or less know their goals in life and how to achieve them.
If it seems to you that the relationship is moving too fast or too slow, it's possible that he likes it that way.
It may be best for you to follow his pace and complement his actions.
# 3 - Lastly, don't say yes too quickly.
Men are natural-born hunters.
For them, the "courting stage" is truly fun for them, which is why you can make things more interesting for both of you by not saying "yes" right away.
Take your time to create a strong emotional foundation for your relationship and you will make him feel you truly love him - without any second thoughts.
#1 - Don't make him feel you're too gaga over him.
This strategy may seem surprising, because when people fall in love, it's more common that they give everything they can to make the relationship work.
How can this be a bad thing? It's like this -- being in love is okay.
It's the way you show your love that can lead the relationship down a bad turn.
For instance, there is a tendency for women to be too touchy and clingy with their men.
This may lead the guy to think that she cannot survive without him -- and that can be really unattractive.
It's more common for a guy to like independent women more than needy ones.
#2 - Don't be too fast or too slow.
As the saying goes: "A stone thrown hits the ground faster.
" It's the same way with relationships.
If you don't let it progress at its own pace and instead force it, you can run the relationship into the ground unknowingly - which is not the best way to make him feel you truly love him.
Men, specifically the better and more independent ones, more or less know their goals in life and how to achieve them.
If it seems to you that the relationship is moving too fast or too slow, it's possible that he likes it that way.
It may be best for you to follow his pace and complement his actions.
# 3 - Lastly, don't say yes too quickly.
Men are natural-born hunters.
For them, the "courting stage" is truly fun for them, which is why you can make things more interesting for both of you by not saying "yes" right away.
Take your time to create a strong emotional foundation for your relationship and you will make him feel you truly love him - without any second thoughts.