Cars & Vehicles Auto Insurance & Registration

How to Clear Past Driving Violations

    Clean Your Driving Record

    • 1). Go to your local Department of Motor Vehicles office and get a copy of your driving record. You may have to pay a small fee, but get your driving record and check it to make sure that it is accurate. In many states, you may be able to order your driving record online.

    • 2). Submit an appeal. Your driving record contains everything from your past violations, suspensions, convictions and general driving history. After checking your driving record for inaccuracies, you can submit an appeal to your state's DMV and request a removal of any information and violations.

    • 3). Review your state's statute of limitation. Many states have a statute of limitations that they keep your driving violations on record. Most small instances like accidents and moving violations have a general limitation of three years or more, while DUI's can remain on record for up to 10 years or more.

    • 4). Take a driver improvement course. Many states offer driving courses that can have a positive affect on your driving record. These traffic schools allow you to take classroom courses --- sometimes online courses --- to possibly take points off of your record and, in some instances, prevent your license from being suspended.

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