Health & Medical Anti Aging

Eye Creams With Stem Cells? Is This For Real?

The debate about stem cells has been a heated one for many years.
How can they be used to our advantage, and is it ethical? Many people marketing stem cell-rich products will obviously argue that they are the most effective ingredients found in any type of eye cream, but are they right? One company recently released an anti-aging eye cream with stem cells in the ingredients.
This is certainly intriguing to me.
What this company states in it's marketing materials is that a wrinkle is "nothing more than a wound" and that the stem cells work wonders in removing these wrinkles.
The product, called Dermajuv Eye Revolution Gel, is brand new, so consumer reviews have yet to be published, so the public jury is still out on if this really works.
Of course, I may be skeptical on this one, as I believe hyaluronic acid is the key ingredient in any eye cream.
It simply works, and there is no controversy or backlash from activists on this one.
I can buy the products that have that ingredient and know they will be around to service me in the future, and not in the middle of some huge legal battle that questions the legalities of the eye cream.
From what I gather human stem cells have properties that can obviously help regenerate skin cells, but I know for a fact this company is NOT using human stem cells, as that is simply illegal and not FDA approved by any means.
They are most likely using a stem cell of a fruit or something similar, which in this case would seem to be legal to me.
But then again, I am not a lawyer and this is all new to me.
I'm simply intrigued that this ingredient is being used in this form and being sold to the masses on the Internet.
I invite you to look into this new eye gel with stem cells and report back any findings.
Does it work? Well, this is what I am curious to.
I would like to know if it works and find out exactly what sort of stem cell they are using.
I am definitely intrigued by this, and may have to just sack up and buy the product.
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