Technology Games

Final Fantasy XIII-2 a Disaster or a live saver ?

Final Fantasy XIII-2 is due out sometime next year.

Final Fantasy XIII will take the same route that Final Fantasy X did when it released the Final Fantasy X-2, and receive a direct sequel.

Final Fantasy XIII was something of a divisive title. In general, Japanese audiences loved the fighting system and heaped massive praise on this game, going so far as to name it one of the best games of 2009. When it was released the next year in the US, it was well received by some and hated by others. As with the Japanese fans, the story received top marks from American gamers, but the battle system failed to impress many people and the pacing was an issue that was frequently brought up. The linear nature of the game also received criticism in America, while the Japanese market seemed to enjoy that same linearity.

Final Fantasy XIII is arguably the most polarizing of the series. As the first HD generation Final Fantasy game many Western gamers saw it as a disappointment, others loved it (our own Paul Cross deemed it Game of the Year.) myself is of the mind that no matter how you feel about this previous final fantasy will disappoint with the result in final fantasy XIII.

now let's talk about the story, the story itself takes place directly after Final Fantasy XIII and follows on from the -Episode i- novel which was released with the international version of Final Fantasy XIII.the overall tone of the story of Final Fantasy XIII-2 will be darker and more mysterious than the original.

The actual story will delve deeper into the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythology and this time focus on the goddess Etro.The game will once again feature Lightning as the protagonist.As You Guys Know the original game ended with a lingering question: "Is Lightning really happy?" The conclusion of the story in Final Fantasy XIII-2 will provide a clear answer to this question.

So, It's Back to your people opinion, it is worth it to waiting for this game or not ? In my deepest opinion i hope Square-Enix Will rise the great game once yes, i will waiting for this game.
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