- According to the Salary Expert, the average salary for veterinary radiologists as of June 2011 is about $100,000. The CB Salary website indicates a slightly lower number, at $97,404. According to CB Salary, the middle 50 percent earn between $61,076 and $137,692. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for veterinarians in general in 2008 was $79,050, with most earning between $61,370 and $104,110.
- The location where a veterinary radiologist works plays a part in determining his salary. According to the Salary Expert website, veterinary radiologists in Miami earn more than any other city listed, with an average salary of $181,121. Those in Houston earn $102,820; those in Atlanta earn $90,085; those in Chicago earn $105,164; those in Los Angeles earn $111,273; and those in Phoenix earn $83,364 on average.
- Experience plays a role in how much a veterinary radiologist and veterinarian earns. According to PayScale as of May 2011, veterinarians with less than one year of experience earn between $39,950 and $77,765. Those with one to four years of experience earn between $45,169 and $85,213, while those with five to nine years of experience earn between $47,926 and $101,929. Veterinarians with 10 to 19 years of experience earn between $49,673 and $108,801, while those with more than 20 years of experience earn between $49,217 and $120,987.
- According to the BLS, the job outlook for veterinary radiologists and veterinarians in general is positive. The BLS reports an expected 33 percent increase in job opportunities for veterinarians between 2008 and 2018, which is a much higher rate than the national average. The limited number of accredited veterinary schools controls the number of graduates entering the work force each year, which keeps employment opportunities high. However, the limited number of schools also increases competition for acceptance.
Average Salary
Job Outlook