Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

The Different Between Traditional And B2b Search Engine

The internet has created a clamour in the world during last two decades. The users around the globe have increased by leaps and bounds creating a lot of employment opportunities for the people. The transformation in the globe that has happened during last 20 years is like impossibilities that took place. The human kind started playing the entire earth as a toy. Previously, we used to send letters to our near and dear one. We used to send money order that usually was taking a lot of time to reach. Even, sometimes the money reached after our necessities passed. There were a lot of hindrances coming to the human path. However, the internet arrived as a boon to all of us.

The arrival of search engine- At the current scenario of internet, everybody is aware of search engines. The search giant Google is the most popular among all the search engines. Apart from this, there are many other search engines are available in the market. However, only three major search engines are prevalent in the world such as; Google, Yahoo and Bing formerly MSN. The Google is a major sharer in the globe. The yahoo has a second share as far as search business is concerned. Bing formerly MSN possesses number 3 so far as popularity is concerned.

The concept of search engines came in to existence as soon as Yahoo arrived. Then competition started emanating across the world. Sergey Brin and Larry Page started competing with yahoo and MSN. They were not successful at the outset of their project. However, their lady luck commenced smiling at them because of their innovative activities and it showed a path to the world. Today, the people are capable of finding any information by the help of search engines and the Google is the kind among all.

The use of B2B search engines - The Google, Yahoo, Bing are the traditional search engines that brings answers to your queries when you put anything on the search box. You may be in to the manufacturing industry and you would like to have the exporters, buyers, and importers information etc. The Google, Yahoo and Bing provide you top ten, top twenty and top hundred search result pages etc. You need to filter the results and create your own database. However, the B2B search engines have different roles. They used to appear as yellow pages few years ago. These Yellow pages shut down their offline print business because of the arrival of internet.

The business to business portals offer the database already filtered. There are many sorts of business portals. Some offers free database and some are paid. The paid one offers you downloadable database. You will be given a link after your payment is verified. The business to business search engines are the one stop solutions for your business. You will find an ample of database for the exporters, importers, buyers and sellers etc. As a rule, it connects the business to business around the world. The most popular business to business search engines are Kompass in Europe and Asia, Alibaba in Asia and Indiamart is gaining popularity in India.
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