Florence Crittenton Services of Arizona is a nonprofit organization doing business in the Greater Phoenix area. I posed ten questions to a representative of Florence Crittenton Services of Arizona in an effort to familiarize Phoenix area residents with the organization. Here are the responses I received.
Phoenix, Arizona 85013
What is the name of the organization?
Florence Crittenton Services of ArizonaHow long has the organization been operating in the Phoenix area?
Since 1896.Does the organization serve a particular geographic area?
State of ArizonaWho is most likely to benefit from services provided by the organization?
At-risk girlsAre there requirements or prerequisites for people to access your services?
Yes, must be referred from Juvenile Court System, Indian Nations, ValueOptions or Child Protective Services.Three things about Florence Crittenton Services of Arizona that people might not know.
- Florence Crittenton has a mentoring program called WINGS which stand for Women involved in Nurturing Girls Self-esteem. Mentors and volunteers are welcome to apply by contacting Barbara Castillo at 602-288-4567.
- One avenue of financial support and skills training is our upscale, resale store, Flo’s on 7th located at 4116 N. 7th Avenue. Donations are accepted Tuesday through Saturday from 10am until 4pm. It’s a great opportunity for the community to shop, donate and volunteer.
- Girls Ranch of Arizona is a supporting foundation of Florence Crittenton. This relationship expands our services to include a residential program for pregnant an/or parenting girls ages 12-18 who are in need of education, independent living and parenting/childcare skills training.
What is the local address?
715 West Mariposa StreetPhoenix, Arizona 85013
What is the local phone number?
602-274-7318What is the URL of the local web site?
florencecrittentonofaz.orgAny other comments?
Florence Crittenton serves over 1200 adolescents annually through the following programs:- Residential Group Home – residential therapeutic treatment for approximately 200 girls annually.
- Crittenton Academy – individualized instruction for 200 + junior high and high school students focusing on the student academically, socially and emotionally.
- Community Based Services – home-based training and support that prepares youth (aging out of the foster care system) for life by giving them the tools to be independent & successful.
- Health & Wellness Program – reduces health related risk behaviors by instilling self-esteem through physical, emotional & spiritual wellness.
- Transitional Living Program – new program for girls who are aging out of the foster care system and need transitional housing and support. Our annual signature funding raising event is the annual Teaming Up for Kids! Luncheon. We encourage individuals in our community to get involved in mentoring, programs, events and everything we do.
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