Every individual has varying needs for the optimal amount and type of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in their diet.
This ratio varies for each individual depending on their nutritional type.
One nutritional program size does not fit all.
There is no one perfect diet strategy that will work for everybody.
The diets that the so-called experts give you simply don't work.
That is why 1 out of every 3 Americans are Obese.
- Not simply overweight - but clinically obese.
This has a psychologically devastating effect on their self-esteem called.
Body Image Deficiency (BID).
[I just made that up - but it's true].
People look at fat people and judge them as weak-willed.
They think and believe that the obese have no self control, no self-restraint and no will-power.
And the overweight are discriminated against.
In addition to obesity, 1 out of every 3 Americans has diabetes or is pre-diabetic.
Total up those statistics and...
2 out of every 3 Americans are Overweight or Diabetic.
In addition to those alarming statistics, according to...
The American Cancer Society statistics Reports: One out of Every 3 Adults in America has Cancer.
Every 3 minutes someone new is diagnosed with cancer.
That someone could even be you or me, or somebody you know.
(Most of us don't know we have cancer yet because the cancer is undiagnosed and undetected).
Your risk of getting cancer increases due to these factors: (By the way, these are the same risk factors that lead to obesity) - physical inactivity - smoking - heavy alcohol consumption - a diet high in red or processed meat - inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables.
What does all this tell you about The American Diet? The American Diet is Killing Us.
This ratio varies for each individual depending on their nutritional type.
One nutritional program size does not fit all.
There is no one perfect diet strategy that will work for everybody.
The diets that the so-called experts give you simply don't work.
That is why 1 out of every 3 Americans are Obese.
- Not simply overweight - but clinically obese.
This has a psychologically devastating effect on their self-esteem called.
Body Image Deficiency (BID).
[I just made that up - but it's true].
People look at fat people and judge them as weak-willed.
They think and believe that the obese have no self control, no self-restraint and no will-power.
And the overweight are discriminated against.
In addition to obesity, 1 out of every 3 Americans has diabetes or is pre-diabetic.
Total up those statistics and...
2 out of every 3 Americans are Overweight or Diabetic.
In addition to those alarming statistics, according to...
The American Cancer Society statistics Reports: One out of Every 3 Adults in America has Cancer.
Every 3 minutes someone new is diagnosed with cancer.
That someone could even be you or me, or somebody you know.
(Most of us don't know we have cancer yet because the cancer is undiagnosed and undetected).
Your risk of getting cancer increases due to these factors: (By the way, these are the same risk factors that lead to obesity) - physical inactivity - smoking - heavy alcohol consumption - a diet high in red or processed meat - inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables.
What does all this tell you about The American Diet? The American Diet is Killing Us.