Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

How to Deal With Stealing in the Classroom

    • 1). Discuss the problem with the class. Avoid pointing fingers, but bring to light that stealing is a serious issue and that it is not unnoticed.

    • 2). Ask students to share how they feel about the situation. Have an open conversation and encourage students to discuss their feelings on the matter at hand, how it affects them, whether it makes them feel uncomfortable in class and if it makes them not trust one another.

    • 3). Provide examples of why people may steal. Perhaps thieves think stealing makes them look "tough," maybe they are acting out because of an issue at home or school or maybe they are genuinely in need of the items they steal. Discuss positive ways that such issues can be dealt with other than stealing.

    • 4). Inform students that if they are stealing, they are welcome to tell you privately and that you will not reveal their identity. Deal with the thief in a constructive manner and contact parents and school authorities of the problem to avoid having it happen again.

    • 5). Observe the behavior of your students. Be cognizant of any unusual behavior and ask students to be aware of any unusual behavior, as well.

    • 6). Change the classroom seating arrangement. If nobody has come forward, sit suspected students near your desk where you can keep a closer watch on them.

    • 7). Explain to students that they should keep anything of special value, either monetary or personal, at home.

    • 8). Lock up belongings in lockers or have students keep their belongings in their desks.

    • 9). Don't allow anyone in the classroom alone or without adult supervision.

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