Auctions can be very rewarding places to look for motorcycles, particularly if you're after good value. But do not make the mistake of thinking that going this route will be easy and effortless. Auctions do not always guarantee you'll find what you're looking for or even get a bike that fits your preference and budget. You could, however, make sure that you increase the chances you'll drive a good unit home by using these tips:
Have a clear idea about your specs
Before you head out to an auction lot or go online, make sure you know the type of motorcycle that's the right fit for you. Auctions can be quite confusing especially to a beginner and the array of available motorcycles can easily overwhelm you. If you do not know what you really want in a motorcycle beforehand, it will be very easy to become overwhelmed.
Remember, too, that there is a huge difference between what you want and what you need. Try to compromise if you want the best of both worlds in terms of style, power, price and utility. Remember that what you are looking for is value. The better your perspective is, the more likely you'll find what you're looking for.
Get as much information as you can
Most auction lots provide a catalogue prior to the auction date. Get one of these. When buying motorcycles from auctions, you'll find a catalogue very valuable in helping you make informed decisions prior to purchase. If you'll be participating in an online auction, you will also find information about available units on the website.
If you have your eyes set on a particular make, brand or model, do your research first. It would help you a great deal if you know what to expect from an available bike about to be auctioned in terms of quality, performance and safety.
Inspect the motorcycle personally
Unless you know and trust the owner/operator of the auction lot, it's recommended that you inspect the unit yourself. There's a good chance that you probably won't be able to test-drive the bike, so checking the motorcycle yourself is the next best thing.
In most cases, an auction will require you to pre-register as one of the bidders. You will then be given enough time to inspect the units prior to the actual bidding. If you have little experience or know-how regarding bikes, bring someone who does with you. Your friendly mechanic, for example, will save you time, effort and money later.
Put a cap on your budget
When you really, really want something, or at least think that you do, you could get carried away just to ensure you make the winning bid. Before you know it, you could be paying more for a motorcycle than you ought to or worse, you could even end up with a bid price you can ill afford. Remember there are other costs associated with purchasing a motorcycle from auction lots, such as taxes, fees and other charges.
When participating at motorcycle auctions, decide on your maximum bid price, keeping in mind the extra costs you will have to pay for.
Have a clear idea about your specs
Before you head out to an auction lot or go online, make sure you know the type of motorcycle that's the right fit for you. Auctions can be quite confusing especially to a beginner and the array of available motorcycles can easily overwhelm you. If you do not know what you really want in a motorcycle beforehand, it will be very easy to become overwhelmed.
Remember, too, that there is a huge difference between what you want and what you need. Try to compromise if you want the best of both worlds in terms of style, power, price and utility. Remember that what you are looking for is value. The better your perspective is, the more likely you'll find what you're looking for.
Get as much information as you can
Most auction lots provide a catalogue prior to the auction date. Get one of these. When buying motorcycles from auctions, you'll find a catalogue very valuable in helping you make informed decisions prior to purchase. If you'll be participating in an online auction, you will also find information about available units on the website.
If you have your eyes set on a particular make, brand or model, do your research first. It would help you a great deal if you know what to expect from an available bike about to be auctioned in terms of quality, performance and safety.
Inspect the motorcycle personally
Unless you know and trust the owner/operator of the auction lot, it's recommended that you inspect the unit yourself. There's a good chance that you probably won't be able to test-drive the bike, so checking the motorcycle yourself is the next best thing.
In most cases, an auction will require you to pre-register as one of the bidders. You will then be given enough time to inspect the units prior to the actual bidding. If you have little experience or know-how regarding bikes, bring someone who does with you. Your friendly mechanic, for example, will save you time, effort and money later.
Put a cap on your budget
When you really, really want something, or at least think that you do, you could get carried away just to ensure you make the winning bid. Before you know it, you could be paying more for a motorcycle than you ought to or worse, you could even end up with a bid price you can ill afford. Remember there are other costs associated with purchasing a motorcycle from auction lots, such as taxes, fees and other charges.
When participating at motorcycle auctions, decide on your maximum bid price, keeping in mind the extra costs you will have to pay for.