Hemorrhoids are painful swellings that are commonly found in the rectum and anus. The person feels excruciating pain when passing stool. Other symptoms of hemorrhoids include bleeding while passing stool, itching, irritation and feeling like passing stool all time.
There are many remedies for this condition including medications and over-the-counter remedies. However, natural remedies provide an effective way to get rid of them hence the need for people to understand how to treat hemorrhoids naturally.
How to Treat Hemorrhoids Naturally
1. Basic hygiene: Keep the anal area clean to prevent the condition from worsening. It is advisable to use medicated pads instead of common tissue which is hard and can injure the tender area. In addition, avoid scratching the area because scratching can hurt the veins.
2. Fiber: A diet rich in fiber is a very effective way of how to treat hemorrhoids naturally. It works by softening stool in order to reduce discomfort when passing stool and also prevents more damage. Some of the foods rich in fiber include vegetables such as spinach and legumes. Whole grain and fruits are another rich of fiber. Psyllium supplement is available in drug stores in form of powder and it should be taken in a glass of water.
3. Avoid spending too much time in the toilet: For those who love reading when passing stool, this is something they should avoid if they have hemorrhoids. This is because sitting for too long can end up worsening the condition.
4. Use witch hazel pads: Witch hazel is a herb that contains medicinal qualities. It is used to treat hemorrhoids because of the calming effect it produces. The pad should be applied on the area affected at least three times a day to reduce swelling, bleeding and itching.
5. Drink lots of water: Water is very crucial in treating hemorrhoids naturally. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday for effective results. In addition to water, take fresh juice in case you encounter constipation. There are also some herbs which you can chew including casgara segrada.
6. Regular exercises: Go for simple exercise such as jogging and walking because intense exercise such as weightlifting can worsen the condition. In addition, avoid holding your breath when exercising. If you are lifting something, make sure to release breathe before doing it.
7. Bioflavonoids: These are plants that are believed to strengthen the vessels of the blood and also to reduce inflammation. The compound is available in fruits such as oranges, lemon and citrus and it has no side effects making it an effective remedy.
Many people prefer natural remedies for hemorrhoids over medications because natural remedies do not have side effects. In addition, they are effective and inexpensive.
However, they should only be used after consulting a physician. The doctor can diagnose the severity of the condition and advice you on the best remedy. Learn how to treat hemorrhoids naturally today and save money and time.
Have you just been diagnosed or suspect that you have hemorrhoids and are looking for how to treat hemorrhoids naturally?
Learn more about hemorrhoids and discover one of the most safe and effective natural cures that has been embraced by the medical community, just market today by click here
There are many remedies for this condition including medications and over-the-counter remedies. However, natural remedies provide an effective way to get rid of them hence the need for people to understand how to treat hemorrhoids naturally.
How to Treat Hemorrhoids Naturally
1. Basic hygiene: Keep the anal area clean to prevent the condition from worsening. It is advisable to use medicated pads instead of common tissue which is hard and can injure the tender area. In addition, avoid scratching the area because scratching can hurt the veins.
2. Fiber: A diet rich in fiber is a very effective way of how to treat hemorrhoids naturally. It works by softening stool in order to reduce discomfort when passing stool and also prevents more damage. Some of the foods rich in fiber include vegetables such as spinach and legumes. Whole grain and fruits are another rich of fiber. Psyllium supplement is available in drug stores in form of powder and it should be taken in a glass of water.
3. Avoid spending too much time in the toilet: For those who love reading when passing stool, this is something they should avoid if they have hemorrhoids. This is because sitting for too long can end up worsening the condition.
4. Use witch hazel pads: Witch hazel is a herb that contains medicinal qualities. It is used to treat hemorrhoids because of the calming effect it produces. The pad should be applied on the area affected at least three times a day to reduce swelling, bleeding and itching.
5. Drink lots of water: Water is very crucial in treating hemorrhoids naturally. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday for effective results. In addition to water, take fresh juice in case you encounter constipation. There are also some herbs which you can chew including casgara segrada.
6. Regular exercises: Go for simple exercise such as jogging and walking because intense exercise such as weightlifting can worsen the condition. In addition, avoid holding your breath when exercising. If you are lifting something, make sure to release breathe before doing it.
7. Bioflavonoids: These are plants that are believed to strengthen the vessels of the blood and also to reduce inflammation. The compound is available in fruits such as oranges, lemon and citrus and it has no side effects making it an effective remedy.
Many people prefer natural remedies for hemorrhoids over medications because natural remedies do not have side effects. In addition, they are effective and inexpensive.
However, they should only be used after consulting a physician. The doctor can diagnose the severity of the condition and advice you on the best remedy. Learn how to treat hemorrhoids naturally today and save money and time.
Have you just been diagnosed or suspect that you have hemorrhoids and are looking for how to treat hemorrhoids naturally?
Learn more about hemorrhoids and discover one of the most safe and effective natural cures that has been embraced by the medical community, just market today by click here