Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Guidelines For Coronary Heart Disease

In this article was will cover some of the basic guidelines for coronary heart disease, but first why don't we take a trip back to anatomy class (with the help of the Merck Manual of Medical Information) and refresh our memory about blood flow and the heart. If you already know this stuff, or find it a bit technical feel free to skip over it and go directly to the guidelines for coronary heart disease.

As you know the heart requires a continual supply of oxygen rich blood and depends on a system of arteries and veins called the coronary circulation to accomplish this. The right coronary artery and the left coronary artery branch off the aorta (just after it leaves the heart) to deliver oxygen rich blood to the heart muscle. These two arteries branch into other arteries, including the circumflex artery, that also supply blood to the heart. The cardiac veins collect blood from the heart muscle and empty it into a large vein on the back surface of the heart called the coronary sinus, which returns blood to the right atrium.

Guidelines for coronary heart disease

Your best source of information about establishing guidelines for coronary heart disease is your doctor. Nevertheless, there are a number of lifestyle and diet changes that you can make to decrease your chances of having a heart attack or stroke.

Stay physically active: When you have coronary heart disease your arteries have accumulated plaque causing blood flow to your heart to be diminished, thus you may tend to feel fatigued much of the time. When tired we simply don't feel like exercising, and if we do fatigued sets in rapidly. But staying active really doesn't need to be about trying to match the same exercise routine you were able to do in your twenties. It should be about what you can comfortably do now! According to the American Heart Association simply walking 5 or more days a week, for 30 minutes or more minutes, will do the trick. Another couple of good ideas are to start slow and work your way up slowly. You should also look for a place to walk where the air is fresh; such as park or other natural setting.

No more cupcakes: Without diet and weight management we will not be successful in our battle against coronary artery disease. The truth of the matter is that these two cornerstones of heart heath are intertwined and generally a heart healthy diet will melt away a few of those unwanted pounds. The general consensus is that saturated fat is at least partially responsible for arterial blockages, so we must reduce our intake to a seemingly paltry 7 percent of calories. Also, cold water fatty fish should be eaten twice a week, along with a healthy amount of vegetables and soluble fiber sources such as oat bran, oatmeal, and apples.

Additional suggestions: Say no to cigarettes, moderate alcohol consumption, properly manage diabetes if present, and find ways to deflect stress.

Also, some people feel that the guidelines for coronary heart disease listed above may not be enough, and feel that a natural cholesterol reduction supplement gives them that little extra advantage against this formidable foe.
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