Law & Legal & Attorney Immigration Law

How to Report an Illegal Alien to U.S. Immigration

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      Call the Homeland Security Investigations Tip Line.Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images

      Call the Homeland Security Investigations Tip Line ( The tip line is used to report numerous incidents regarding illegal immigrants, especially for those engaging in human trafficking and smuggling. The average wait time for the tip line is one minute and callers can expect to be on the phone for approximately five minutes. When calling the tip line be sure to have specific information that includes the individuals' names, location and other pertinent information.

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      Homeland Security will detain and remove illegal immigrants from the United States.John Moore/Getty Images News/Getty Images

      Visit Homeland Security offices. If your city or municipality has a Homeland Security office, you are able to go to the location and make a confidential complaint. When making a complaint to Homeland Security, ensure you have specific information that includes the accused person's name, address or last known location. To find a local Immigration and Custom office explore the Homeland Security Website (

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      Contact your local law enforcement officer.Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

      Contact local law enforcement officers. Calling your municipality's law enforcement facility can provide you with assistance when reporting an illegal immigrant. Law enforcement officers can investigate the claim and detain the suspect until they are under the authority of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customer Enforcement department.

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