Health & Medical Anti Aging

Advanced Wrinkle Reducer - What Ingredients to Look For in an Effective Wrinkle Reducer

In order to qualify as a truly advanced wrinkle reducer a formula must contain ingredients effective in increasing the amount of connective tissue you have, and in repairing the wrinkle producing oxidative cell damage incurred over the years.
Most of the anti aging skin care formulas on the market fail miserably in both areas, and I am about to explain to you exactly why that is.
The first thing that you have to understand about the average anti aging skin care formula is that topically applied collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid do nothing to replenish your tissue.
The fact is that these popular ingredients are incapable of even penetrating your skin due to their great density, so they really do nothing for you at all.
Why would a company's include ingredients in their formulas that can't help you at all? They include these compounds in what they refer to as their most advanced wrinkle reducer, simply because the words collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acids cause people to buy the product.
Almost everyone understands that the key to reducing the number and severity of the wrinkles in their skin is the replacement of these substances; they just don't realize they are going about replacing them the wrong way.
The proven way to replace these tissues is through introducing a recently developed fusion of protein complexes and enzymes called Cynergy TK, and a kelp extract dubbed Phytessence Wakame.
Cynergy TK creates new collagen and elastin by promoting a significant increase in the amount of tissue being produced.
Phytessence Wakame increases your hyaluronic acid by preventing it from being broken down by destructive enzymes.
The advanced wrinkle reducer that features Cynergy TK and Phytessence Wakame contain an array of all natural compounds that provide your skin with all of the antioxidants and essential nutrients it needs.
Your wrinkles will be further reduced through the elimination of free radicals in your skin, and the repair of all of the damage they have done.
You won't find a single chemical or synthetic compound in this advanced wrinkle reducer, as each ingredient this formula contains is there because it offers some sort of benefit to your skin.
By using formulas containing Cynergy TK and this wonderful array of all natural compounds, you will finally get the results that you have worked so hard to achieve.
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