- 1). Lay the polycarbonate roofing flat on a clean surface --- concrete floor, large workbench or other flat surface. Wear work gloves and safety goggles when handling and cutting the roofing.
- 2). Place a T-square or long ruler on the roofing to establish an even line or to mark on the material -- using a white or light-colored marker -- the shape you want to cut out of the roofing.
- 3). Raise the material 1 to 2 inches from the flat surface. Use a set of garden scissors, a hacksaw with a fine-tooth blade or a fine-toothed panel saw to slowly cut the polycarbonate roofing evenly along the T-square, ruler or outline of the shape you made with the marker.
- 4). Place the cut piece of roofing to the side until you are ready to install it. Remove the material's protective polythene film covering from each side before installing the roofing on your home or business.