Health & Medical Anti Aging

How to Fight Skin Aging Early - What You Need to Do to Look Younger

Skin aging does not only happen when we are over the age of 40.
It happens every single day.
Your skin deteriorates every day.
If you want to have young looking skin for a very long time, you have to start your anti aging scheme early.
The problem with most of us is that we only begin to take care of our skin when we already see the first few signs of skin aging.
By then, your skin is already in a weak state.
You need to incorporate the following skin care tips as early as possible: 1.
Use sun block Invest in products that contain SPF or sun protection.
Even the make-up you are using should contain sun protection.
Chronic sun exposure is usually the cause of 90% of dermis aging signs.
The sun's UV rays stress out the dermis, impair production of collagen, break down essential skin components and induce melanin production.
The simple act of applying sun block can prolong youthful dermis functions for a very long time.
Start using a moisturizer Your dermis has to be hydrated all the time.
Lack of essential moisture can lead to dry and brittle skin.
Dermis tissues can get damaged easily.
By simply including a potent moisturizer in your regimen, you can slow down the aging process.
Choose a product with the ingredients CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano Lipobelle HEQ10.
CynergyTK is an ingredient taken from sheep wool.
It contains an abundant amount of functional keratin.
This is the kind of protein responsible for the production of collagen and elastin.
Phytessence Wakame, a sea kelp from Japan, can get rid of harmful enzymes.
These enzymes tend to attack hyaluronic acid in the body.
This acid is necessary for the lubrication of collagen and elastin.
Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 can protect you from harmful free radicals.
These free radials tend to attack healthy cells in the body.
Do not stay up late at night all the time Lack of sleep hampers the production of growth hormones.
These hormones are necessary for the regeneration of collagen and the repair of damaged skin tissues.
It also slows down your ability to revive body functions.
Eat foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants These nutrients are necessary for the proper functioning of skin.
Antioxidants can effectively get rid of harmful free radicals in your body.
Use skin mask at least two times a week A skin mask made from lemon juice and honey can tighten the dermis pores and can lessen ugly blemishes.
These ingredients also contain nutrients that can prolong youthful skin functions.
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