Business & Finance Corporations

8 Crazy Ways To Make Money

1. Affiliate Marketing

Selling other people products for a commission is in short affiliate marketing. You do not have to know the product. You get all the information for promotion from the vendor. Sign up through click bank or commission junction websites and the money from commission will automatically go into your bank account.

2. Article marketing

You should know good English and some writing abilities. This is good source of income. Write after you do some research into keywords and what is hot. Write the content that you know well or do research and write and even write reviews of products.

3. Consulting

There are always fields in which you are an expert. Create a website and set it up as your consulting online. Promote the site and give advice to people for a fee. This is a good and growing market now. Work at home and consult.

4. Copy-writing

If you are an expert writer theen you can write for others. You should be able to write on any topic for a variety of customers. They pay you per article and publish it in their name. You usually give up your rights to the copy. Work at home and copy write.

5. Domains

You can set up a domain registering site usually with a hosting as well. Domains are always on demand and there is no end to it. You can make a good commission on selling domains. The residual income year after year is very attractive.

6. Ezine Strategies

The article writing and ezines go hand in hand. These are the best outlet for your articles promotion. The exposure through ezines will surprise you. Read their guidelines and stick to it and do not spam. Work at home and write.

7. Email marketing

This is an area you have to be very careful. Spamming is a big no, no. Do not try to send bulk emails like a few years ago. The best way to market through email is get op in permission. Ask people to sign a form and request email information.

8. AdWords marketing

Google has both AdSense and AdWords as sources of income for sellers and buyer. AdWords are for buyers of traffic and AdSense of course is for seller for space. AdWords are abiding media per click or impression or a combination. BE careful though in the beginning. Work at home and advertise through AdWords.

Robert Fenn
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