Society & Culture & Entertainment Environmental

What is the Difference Between Bottled Water and Tap Water When it Comes to Safety?

Congratulations!  If you're reading this article then that means you're concerned about the safety of the water that you and your family are drinking.
  Many consumers, just like you, want to know, "what is the difference between bottled water and tap water.
"   Well, when it comes to safety, they are one in the same.
  Let me explain.
You see, while bottled water may seem like an attractive alternative to tap, you need to know that the industry is under NO legal obligation to make their product any safe than tap.
  The government does not regulate the safety of bottled water.
Despite their claims of "crystal clear" "spring fresh", etc.
, they could be filling the bottles from a hose hooked up to a faucet behind a gas station and you would never know it.
Now I know that sounds a little ridiculous, but I'm just trying to make a point.
  When you ask, "what is the difference between bottle water and tap water," I believe you deserve the truth.
Which leads us back to tap water.
  In recent years, scientists' warnings about increasing levels of tap water contamination have become much louder.
  The Ralph Nader Study Group recently released a report compiled after a review of over 10,000 documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act.
This shocking report confirmed that "U.
drinking water contains more than 2,100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer.
" Herbicides, pesticides, industrial/household waste, as well as, a slew of pharmaceutical drugs have been detected in almost every public water supply.
While some people count on their local water utility to get rid of all this contamination, they aren't aware that most municipal treatment systems continue to utilize out-dated disinfection technology.
  While chlorination is useful for getting rid of dangerous, disease-causing parasites and bacteria, it can't do anything to remove toxic chemicals.
Powerful filtration is the only way to clean up our tap water supplies.
Unfortunately, this calls for costly re-design and equipment re-fitting that most cities and towns are reluctant to undertake.
So this leaves the responsibility of water safety in the hands of consumers.
This is good news for you, because now that you know what is the difference between bottled water and tap water, you can look into, truly, effective filtration solutions for your home.
  I can assure you that there are plenty of viable alternatives to both bottled and tap water.
As a result of my personal research, I discovered a new technology called multi-stage filtration.
  Initially, I was going to go with either a reverse osmosis or distillation system.
  But when I found out how multi-stage filtration out-distances these two older systems in terms of effectiveness, cost and convenience I became very curious.
However, what really sold me, was the fact that the water produced by multi-stage filtration possesses a powerful health benefit that the other two systems don't.
  The naturally-occurring minerals that usually get filtered out by both r.
and distillation, are left entirely intact by multi-stage filtration.
Bottom line?  My family and I enjoy water that is safe, clean, great-tasting AND healthy.
But don't take my word for it.
  Do a little looking around for yourself.
  I've complied some helpful information gathered as a result of trying to answer the question, "what is the difference between bottled water and tap water.
"  Visit my web site to read more about what I discovered.
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